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So, I got to watch a toxic fan get ran out of a fandom today :-D
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Or, well, yesterday!
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So, Friday’s Achievement Hunter Minecraft episode had new addition Ky mention how she once stole a candy bar from a university store.
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This didn’t sit well with one HemboHero, a Youtuber who made compilation videos of AH’s work
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He made a video claiming he didn’t like this and would be leaving Ky out of his videos until she apologized.
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A lot of people quickly called him out on this, especially since the others have done much worse in the past
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A lot of backpedaling led to him ultimately dumping his channel.
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To that, we say “good riddance!”
miles you ass
lol what the fuck. get dunked
miles you ass
We've all shoplifted, man, and like you said, some of the others have done a lot worse