Hit Tagvana. Still got no solid plans for the event. DO have Graveyard Keeper.
damn Free!dom
a luke tag is coming. slowly but coming |D we should do more <3
We should. I am around
damn Free!dom
i am getting there |D i still haven't looked much at the event but he'll be a bodem!
So is Luke.Hero archetype
damn Free!dom
then no one can yell at them for doing things XD which you know, mccoy may have a thing to say about. he needs to talk XD
Since Cal is passing I'm thinking he'll attach himself to Luke and very stubbornly insist on protecting him from being taken advantage of.
damn Free!dom
such a good kid XD
Luke is naturally very giving and happy to help anyway, so yes, he will 110% need to be looked after to stop people taking advantage.
Arguably, he needs that when he isn't a bodem.
He sure does...
damn Free!dom
yes he does!
At least having to consider Din slows him down
damn Free!dom
thank god for that
damn Free!dom
also can we handwave bones contacted him over that network post since i missed it completely?
Sure thing
really is okay, like he said. He's lost Ben before and this time... is a bit easier
Completely unrelated: I can't find my fucking glasses anywhere.
damn Free!dom
still. bones would have been really worried XD also ugh. if i ever lose my glasses it's STUPID HARD to find them since i'm basically blind without them |D and they always end up getting knocked into a trash can. NEVER FAILS
My eyesight isn't that bad, but I get headaches without them. I'm using spares, but they're the old script.
damn Free!dom
yeah i just can't see |D my glasses are my life. if i knock em off the bedside table i'm on hands and knees feeling around
damn Free!dom
it's sad XD
I have a few friends who are legally blind without glasses
TheApostate ™
Din'll help protect him, at least when they're not Bodems XD
TheApostate ™
Although Din's going to be pretty well peeved off after this
damn Free!dom
Good Din XD