got a $6,300 hospital bill from almost two years ago when i went to the er???? wtf i had insurance.
why am i getting this now
am i screwed because i don't have that insurance anymore nor do i even have the card!!! i was with my other company
fuck me i guess
A healer (but-)
your coverage from THEN is what matters, not what coverage you have now
A healer (but-)
contact your old insurance company they can look up that you were covered at that time, maybe someone fucked up the paperwork
i don't even remember what coverage i had back then, i'll have to do some digging
A healer (but-)
that sucks and im sorry but you DEFINITELY should not be on the hook for that
i think i remember even seeing the charge on my insurance from back then!! because i was expecting a copay but never got a bill
so i'll call them up to see because god damn
A healer (but-)
mmhmm probably someone fucked up some paperwork and the insurance never got paid
A healer (but-)
but thats not your problem go harass them
will do :|b
definitely dispute it!
oh, shoot. that really sucks.
I hope you can get this worked out