Year of the Cat
Where do you want our CR to go?? Any suggestions?
Year of the Cat
I'm busy at a family dinner but I'll pop in later on tonight!
Toasty Mallow
I want Maul to know more about Usagi's past
Toasty Mallow
I want him to find out about Demande
idk how maul would feel about it, but i'd enjoy more shenanigans with him and vyng
not sure on a specific direction, unless you're open to him potentially starting on a path toward developing a collaborative relationship with the elements or something
but i'm interested in bouncing around other ideas too
Not a full on direction but I just want more maul and Ruby team ups.
spicy mycophile
I want Jacob and Maul to end up talking about how similar their upbringing was in some ways, and how the Jedi and Sith weren't all that different by the end.
spicy mycophile
They're both survivors, and that might be a thing they bond over.
kiwi burgers
one day they may actually be civil with each other
ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛwᴏ
also want more teamup
I'm hopeful Maul can discover that Savage is learning to read way better thanks to Willow.
Year of the Cat
I'm back!
Year of the Cat
Toasty Mallow
: OOoooooo, yeeeesssss. Bonus points if he ends up holding her at the end of this conversation in a tight hug.
Year of the Cat
: I do like this idea! He thinks Vyng is a weirdo but a weirdo who seems to know what he's talking about, so he can't discount anything that he says.
Year of the Cat
: I'd LOVE for them to fight a monster or something. I just love when they end up in fights together.
Year of the Cat
spicy mycophile
: I like that idea! And I AM getting around to tagging that thread I promise!
Year of the Cat
kiwi burgers
: Someday. Maybe. I would love to put them in a situation that forces them to team up or perish. Or as Maul likes to call them "Trench's group therapy exercises."
Year of the Cat
ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛwᴏ
: Definitely! Need ALL THE THINGS with yours.
Year of the Cat
: He'll be such a proud big bro. Especially since he knows academics aren't Savage's favorite thing.
They are not, and he thinks Maul is better off teaching him combat styles than putting up with him sounding out words XD
Toasty Mallow
ALSO, I want Snow to help him get his horse? (maybe if you're up for the idea of it)
kiwi burgers
hm well death isn't permanent so maybe it's preferable to working with maul
could you tell/remind me a little more about how maul's kyber crystal works and where it came from? that might be a place to start, if we ever go that route
Year of the Cat
: Hehehehe he'll be like "You can either meditate or read this hour. Your choice."
Year of the Cat
Toasty Mallow
: Yes! I think that'd be an awesome idea and I love how it shows Snow's more proactive side, how good she is at helping people when she wants to.
Year of the Cat
kiwi burgers
: ............As you wish. /Shoves Anakin into the giant meat grinder.
kiwi burgers
Year of the Cat
: Oooooo, alright! This might take a few responses, bear with me. So kyber crystals are very mysterious and semi-sentient in canon. To get one is very much a "wand chooses the wizard" type of deal for Jedi and Sith alike. They can see into the future and give their wielders visions. They are also one of the most powerful things in the galaxy, used to
Suddenly Maul is the worst brother ever ._.;;;; Mediating lets him sleep more easily tho.......
Year of the Cat
create weapons of mass destruction like the Death Star. But basically they work with the Jedi in harmony, helping their users by being the catalyst for their lightsabers. Unfortunately the Sith see the crystals as something to be bent to their will. It's mentioned once or twice that Sith traditionally kill a Jedi and take their crystal to get one but I don't
Year of the Cat
believe that's the case for Maul for reasons I will get to in a minute. So the Sith turn their crystals red and into an unnatural state by "bleeding them" which means putting a ton of anger, hate, and most importantly pain into it. Since this is anathema to the crystal's very being, it resists, and it's shown when Vader does this to his crystal it tries to
Year of the Cat
stop him by showing him visions of a better future if he stops. SO, getting to Maul's crystals personally...his saberstaff has four, two for each side, which means he had to bleed FOUR crystals, which shows how damaged he really is on the inside with enough anger, rage, and pain to do that four times over. BUT. Crystals can be purified back to their natural
Year of the Cat
"good setting" if the wielder is able and capable to do so, which basically is taking all of that bad energy out of the crystals and letting their natural balance return. The one time it's done in canon it's shown that a purified crystal doesn't return to their former color like green, blue, or purple but instead turn white.
Year of the Cat
But yes, if Vyng were to get near Maul's saberstaff, he'd likely be able to sense that these poor things are in an immense amount of pain that never ends and that they even know they are in a wrong state and how much that hurts them because Maul bent them to his will instead of working with them.
Year of the Cat
kiwi burgers
: No. HONEST. ()
Year of the Cat
: Maul wakes him up by dumping cold water on him.
Worst brother. 10/10 would give away to a family that wants a complete shit disturber
aaaaa, thank you for the rundown/refresher! I will think on this
if there is a close counterpart to kyber crystal in his own world, vyng might be able to freely communicate with them as easily as talking to a person. otherwise, he would need to contemplate a crystal via meditation
Year of the Cat
: Savage sells him on the network for a sandwich and soda.
but he can already guess that Maul's crystals are in terrible distress without needing to be near them
Year of the Cat
: Maul's been listening to his crystals be in pain for so long he doesn't even notice it anymore. I might add he's done this six times total, his original double-bladed lightsaber got wrecked in The Phantom Menace and he rebuilds it later on in The Clone Wars series. The man is so very damaged and hurting on the inside.
Year of the Cat
Being raised by Sidious was no picnic. No wonder he ended up a rage-filled Sith Lord.
i mean, yeah, if they're pumped with that much rage and pain, vyng might just automatically pick up on that. he's part crystal himself, so it's not a stretch to say that might make him particularly sensitive to even alien crystals
that's...oof. man, yeah
Year of the Cat
I'd say probably yeah, especially since the crystals have a mind of their own. They might even reach out to him if they senses a fellow crystal-type being nearby. Like it's shown Force-sensitive types can even sense kyber crystals when they're just nearby.
OH MAN yeah, you've got a great point there
he wants maul to consider reevaluating his relationship with these crystals, but he'd also realize it's probably gonna have to be an ongoing conversation
at least there's some pragmatism behind the "honey vs. vinegar" comparison
instead of just being like "well these rocks' feelings are more important than yours" LOL
Year of the Cat
Definitely the better approach when it comes to the grumpy Zabrak. Maul over here like "I had a feeling once. It was terrible."
Year of the Cat
He's like a fairy in Peter Pan: he only feels one emotion at a time. Anything else is too hard for him to comprehend.
Toasty Mallow
Usagi was about to say, he's such a liar, he feels plenty
I do like the idea of forcing them into situations where they have to help one another, like maybe fighting together against something?? :|a
Year of the Cat
: Maul over here like a cat saying no in a YouTube video but forced to work with Luna or perish.
Year of the Cat
Talking Cat Really Does Not Want A Bath
If Maul is the no no no cat, then Luna is Grumpy Cat and just displeased about the whole situratio.
Year of the Cat
Just both unhappy with this situation yet forced to work together. I LOVE IT.