I find I am having the same issue I did with Sword in that I feel like most of my team gets neglected because I don't have to actually do anything with them since they're gaining XP no matter what
I get not wanting to make it feel like swap training would still be required but at least encourage changing โmons out for more than gaining type advantage/dodging type weaknesses
so you can have magikarp first slot, switch to something else, and both the mons that fought/were in the battle get the full exp while the others get reduced exp
I still wish it was a toggle like in SuMo. Being able to turn it on to powerlevel many babies at once and off again when they could hold their own was nice!
Yeah I REALLY liked the choice of turning it on/off but like someone else I know said, most players donโt ever turn it off and it just saved the devs an unnecessary line of code to put in an Off function not many people used.
Billie: /oneshots Crandios with Razor Leaf