Thanks so much to everyone who took part in the TORAJA_NINJAPAN2021 Q&A! TravisJapan was so excited to share some of the hidden sides of the show, as well as what this annual performance means to them!

Keep checking the thread below as we add more answers through the week!
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
During the break time I'm either sleeping or watching movies on my tablet, I guess. Either way I'm lying down! ^_^ Chaka

休憩時間は寝ているか、タブレットで映画を見ているかのどちらかですね、基本的に寝転んでいます^_^ 宮近海斗
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
The song I like most from TORA JA is "The show!" Umi

虎者で歌った曲で、一番好きな曲は「The show」! 中村海人
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
I'm partial to either choreography or camerawork, so I'd like to be in charge of those. Shime

振り付けとカメラワークはこだわりがあるので担当してみたいです。 七五三掛龍也
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
I really feel "The Show Must Go On" when we're on the trampoline. To show each technique one by one, it's important to quickly recover from mistakes, and I've also learned ways to make certain errors look like they were on purpose and a part of the production. Noel
トランポリンでは特に「Show Must Go On」を感じています。独立したひとつひとつの技を連続的に見せる為には、例え失敗したとしても直ぐに立て直して次に繋げる事がとても重要です。誰かがミスをしたとしても、カバーに入り、あたかも演出であるかの様に見せる技術も学びました。 川島如恵留
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
I don't think everything we do has reached overseas yet, so I'm glad that people still support us anyway! In order so that even our foreign fans can see more of us, we will keep growing, and hope that you all can wait for us! Shizu
僕らの活動が全部が全部海外まで届いていないと思うので、それでも応援してくれるのは嬉しく思います!そして海外にいるファンのみなさんにもっと自分達を見てもらえるようにこれから成長していくので待っててほしいです! 吉澤閑也
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
[Thanks to the show] it's become possible for me to change really quick. Even when I go to a clothing store for regular daily shopping, I can try on entire outfits in about 10 seconds! Genta

早替えを早くできるようになってきてるから、日常でのお買い物とかで洋服屋さんに行った時に試着したら全身着替えるのに10秒ぐらいで着替えられると思うよ! 松田元太
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
Right before the performance, I have Shizu hit my back and chest 3 times each. This gets me pumped up. Matsuku

開演直前に吉澤閑也に背中と胸を3回ずつ思いっきり叩いてもらう。気合が入る。 松倉海斗
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
My best memory from our three years of doing TORA JA would be performing "Talk it! Make it!" as the last song of the Hiroshima run of our first year. All the staff and cast appeared on stage and danced with us. Matsuku
初演から今までの虎者の一番の思い出といえば、初年度の広島大千秋楽公演のSHOWTIMEラストの"Talk it! Make it!"。キャスト含めスタッフさんも全員、舞台上に出演して皆んなで踊ったのが素敵な思い出です。 松倉海斗
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
Our way of thinking has changed since starting "+81." Not only about our approach to TORA JA, but we're able to challenge ourselves every day to improve how to enjoy and express ourselves during a performance! TravisJapan

「+81」を始めてから考え方が変わったかというと、虎者に対してだけではないのですがパフォーマンスに対する向き合い方や楽しみ方、表現の仕方をより考えることが増えて日々挑戦できています! TravisJapan
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
When it comes to practicing the trampoline, at first we couldn't do anything, but our teacher regularly helped us step by step and now we're always flying! ^_^ Chaka

一つずつ教えてもらい定期的にトランポリンを始めてからずっと飛んでいます^_^ 宮近海斗
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
Even from the stage we can clearly see when fans are wearing a certain member's color. Just be careful when wearing fluorescent clothes as they might blind us! But even still, it always makes me happy to see my own fans during the Show time portion. Umi
ただ、やっぱりShow timeで自分のファンと目が合うと嬉しくなります 中村海人
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
My favorite outfit for the TORA JA Show time portion is the black and gold one. It's really stylish and I like the gold embroidery that subtly features the TJ emblem! Shizu

虎者のショータイムの衣装で一番好きなのは、黒金の衣装です。スタイリッシュですし、金の刺繍の所がTJという文字にさりげなくなっているのが好きです! 吉澤閑也
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
Our first reaction to BIG BANG BOY being all in English was surprise, but it presented a new challenge for us, so we were also excited. As for how we practiced, we listened to it on repeat all day long and kept looking up what we didn't understand online. TravisJapan
BIG BANG BOYの歌詞が全編英語と初めて知った時は驚きましたけど、Travisにとって新しい挑戦なので楽しみやわくわくの方が大きかったです。英語の歌のブラッシュアップ方法は、毎日ずっとずっと曲を聴き込んで、わからない単語や発音はネットで調べるって感じです。 TravisJapan
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
It takes me about 45 minutes to do my stage makeup. As for my routine, I start about 1 hour before the show starts, and take my time while listening to music. Shime

メイクにかかる時間は45分くらいです。舞台では本番1時間前からゆっくり音楽聴きながら準備しています。 七五三掛龍也
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
A story from rehearsals? I choose how Shizu bought everyone juice. I am so proud that he is the kind of member who treats everyone - both members and Juniors. Since Shizu himself enjoys this, it's a win-win situation, and he's always smiling and having fun everyday. Noel
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
I think the highlight of TORA JA is how everything about performing on stage is made special! I am confident that the songs, dances, trampoline acts, sword fights, etc. are exciting for everyone who comes to see them! TravisJapan
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
In addition to the other countries of Asia, I would love the opportunity to stand on stage and experience the various show cultures of places like the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and more! Chaka

海外公演が出来るなら、アジア各国はもちろん、アメリカ、イギリス、フランスなど様々なショー文化を感じられるとこで感じながらステージに立ってみたいと思います! 宮近海斗
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
I feel like a "tiger person" in my own life when I'm playing online games and can cover my friends. Or, whenever I help someone in need, like bringing in my grandparents' luggage or helping someone who is lost. Umi

困っている人を助けた時、おじいちゃんやおばあちゃんの荷物を持ってあげたり、道がわからない人におしえてあげたり 中村海人
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
Regarding choreography, I watch dance videos, artist music videos, and concert DVDs all the time, so I think there's something there that inspires me. Shime

振り付けに関しては、普段からダンス動画やアーティストさんのMVやコンサートDVDを観てるので、インスピレーション受けてる部分はあると思います。 七五三掛龍也
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
The biggest source of motivation is our fans' applause. The way it reverberates after the song ends makes us feel that it's our reason for living. Each day I think "if I can see the smiles and hear the applause of our fans, I can do my best for another three months." Noel
モチベーションをキープする最大の味方はお客様の拍手です。曲が終わると同時にすぐさま鳴り響く拍手は、これを聞くために生きていると言っても過言では無い程の感動を僕達に与えてくれます。今日もお客様の笑顔と拍手に逢えると思うと、3ヶ月毎日頑張れるのです。 川島如恵留
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
Where do I want to be in 10 years? Still doing TORA JA! In Japan of course, but I also want to shock the world with both TORA JA and Travis Japan! Shizu

日本でももちろんですが、海外公演とかもやって虎者そしてTravis Japanで世界に衝撃を与えていたいです。 吉澤閑也
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
In our Red Ninja dressing room, we've been having a blast listening to theme park music, singing, and chatting! When someone tries to use my pillow, I say "NO!" and they'll copy me, so maybe someone's filming this? At any rate, it's always an interesting time! Genta
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
The black and gold suit with the TJ logo is so stylish and chic! As for some story about it, it came from everyone wanting something along the lines of "Itchora formal wear." Matsuku

TJロゴが入った黒金衣装は、スタイリッシュでシックなスーツスタイル。エピソードとしては、『僕らの正装になるような一張羅が欲しいね』と言う皆んなのアイデアでこの衣装が完成しました。 松倉海斗
Johnny & Associates on Twitter
That's all for this time! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you learned a little about us! Please follow our Instagram as well as we keep chasing our "Dreams of Hollywood!" TravisJapan

