Pumpqueen Fall
Say it with me. Leftists can't meme
Nemo😶‍🌫️🐢 on Twitter
Pumpqueen Fall
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FDWOSKnX0AQ6XWR?format=jpg&name=small Okay successful meme was done here. Though I'm not sure it's by a leftist and not just someone with half a brain enough to know that Tucker Carlson is pure evil
I would offer a subtle but important alternative: leftists refuse to meme*
* where "meme" here is in the specific sense of compact memes predicated on repetition, where most of the information is packaged in deviation from a standard pattern
(also "leftists" here is basically anyone left of like... hypothetical-contemporary-Eisenhower)
the distinction being that to "leftists" in this sense, practically anything you can "meme" in this sense is either so trivial or so incorrect that there's no point saying it
as one of the comments points out, there are zingy anti-right memes but they're mainly trivialities like "those guys are dumb" .......although the comment doesn't seem to get that it's because that's about the most nuanced political point you can actually make with a zingy little cartoon or internet meme anyway >_>
it kind of worries me that they claim to be a leftist and to be winning the culture war and what not while using an pretty heavily edited chibi anime art adding a fucking pacifier to it among other things. On a vacuum I would have thought it's sarcastic but seeing all that thread just... makes a lot of red flags raise in my head.
Pumpqueen Fall
No that's literally what the argument OP was making Exacerangutan : in their essay invoking Hitler
Pumpqueen Fall
✶ȶօʀǟʟʏռɖ✶ : TBF everyone is debating whether they're a parody or not, but I'll be honest, they're too on point for even a parody imo \:|/ though I'm pretty trash at recognizing satire vs. the real thing
my suspicion is that it's less satire and more "I refuse to 'meme' by your standards, because your standards preclude saying anything worth saying"
Pumpqueen Fall
Yes because everything said in that essay pretending to fit meme format was worth saying
I don't think it's satire, if it is they crossed the line a long while ago. They clearly think way too highly of their own intelligence.
And just the other day I heard a horror story of someone like that that was a closet pedophile (as in he was so highly intelligent that he couldn't be one of those, except he totally was)
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
The pacifier is definitely a MAP signifier on twitter
yeah, that's also why I'm so eeked by it
I've already seen people with edits like that and they were
so after seeing like 30 apples fall to the ground, what's natural? To expect an apple to fall or to float?
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
UNRELATED I had a dream that Smoker accidentally stole Ikki's girlfriend only Ikki was like "Why are you apologizing? They're like a sister to me" and for the life of me I can't figure out who the girl was but Smoker/Ikki was very cute and bros
...idk who ikki is but why are they dating their sister
Pumpqueen Fall
Phoenix Ikki from Saint Seiya and No apparently Smoker mistook their adopted sister as dating Ikki even though he later made out with them and was just like "/steals"
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
It was a weird dream
Pumpqueen Fall
They all are when I'm fucked
Pumpqueen Fall
but at least not nightmarish
not nightmarish is good at least
Pumpqueen Fall : I would say Leanne in another Universe/game
as she has effectively been like a sister for Ikki in some games and in others their relationship actually went romantic for reasons even I can't figure out
Pumpqueen Fall
I was thinking it might be her because she was able to fly, but she's the OPPOSITE of Smoker's type like a lot
Pumpqueen Fall
Although she's Tibarn's type and Tibarn is 1/2 Smoker /SQUINT
Pumpqueen Fall
Might have been a dragon-y type (thinking)
Pumpqueen Fall
They also went off to fight during the part where Smoker went to apologize to Ikki
Pumpqueen Fall
But that doesn't exclude Leanne (LOL)
Pumpqueen Fall
ALTHOUGH I'm not sure he'd have like "Okay sure thing "
Pumpqueen Fall
To Leanne being like "I'mma fight the thing! YOU PROTECT AND STAY HERE"
I mean, in another game, a spanish one, Ikki met and was basically like siblings with Rogue from the X-Men, she can fly and fight but Ikki would just laugh at anyone thinking she's his girlfriend
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
He was like "Idek why you thought that" And Smoker was like "Well good. No problem then B-)"
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
But good (LOL) and yeah I could def. see it being Rogue (thinking)
Pumpqueen Fall
AND I can see Smoker thinking Ikki wanted to date her because Smoker is Him
Rogue and Ikki became closer in the game because Ikki's kind of like Logan but with natural "faster" recovery time from energy, so even if she touched him by accident he was like "/shrug"
and because his powers come from harnessing his Cosmos all she got was more energy and not a fire hazard
Pumpqueen Fall
Right?! Rofl I was just thinking "Oh man if Rogue ever even mentioned to Smoker that she has a tought time kissing people he'd be like '
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Because SMOKE
Pumpqueen Fall
ACTUALLY I think it really might have been Rogue because there was some cloud stuff I forgot so there you go
(Rogue <3)
Pumpqueen Fall
there you go as in there goes CC apparently connecting to my mind subconsciously to build her dreams because as I said that couple never came up in English games and I never told you about it XDD
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
And here we were saying despite you being my phoenix twin, I don't have the psychic dream connection I do with Moosey.
You have demonstrated having it more times, you just keep forgetting because it's not as constant
Pumpqueen Fall
(thinking) I SEE!
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FDd7N7FXsAYR8Fz?format=jpg&name=small rofl this
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FDmgleHWQAcrM7S?format=jpg&name=small Actually...
just let the market sort things out for itself! ...as long as it sorts out that I, a rich person, should have more than anyone else, obviously, otherwise the market is wrong and I should be subsidized by the government. a small one tho, that's all it really need to do.
Pumpqueen Fall