input CR, get in-character thoughts - honest ones they might not otherwise share
this is available both for games and PSLs
Wash, for our PSL!
zalice : North really thinks there's more to Wash coming after them than meets the eye. That why he went off and assumed Wash was wanting to leave PFL.
So he's right, but wrong
His instincts are right, and Wash could be persuaded to leave PFL way more easily than past-him could have; the only caveat here is Wash is currently planning to lone-wolf-it and to maybe check in from time to time 😏 (Which could likely easily turn into him spending more time around North than he anticipates, but which Wash isn't planning yet)
And there's definitely a lot that Wash isn't talking about, so North is right about that too, of course
(Also worth noting: actual plans for how the PSL actually goes can easily be different from Wash's current plans, I'm down for working on that at some point 👌)
is there anything from the twins i haven't likely seen yet somewhere or another lmao
liesdontfindyou : I don't think so lol. North keeps a lot of stuff inside but it's also fairly obvious stuff
Like, he thinks he knows better than her, he thinks he needs to dad her, etc
And, as seen in the current thread, it's going to take some doing to get him to give her some autonomy of her own
lmao yeah that checks
Give me all the things!
Bippy : Tex is in Wilderlands without Church now, and she regrets they didn't have more time together in Svelte now
She's worried about him, too
She doesn't know why she was taken and he wasn't
Poor Tex. Screwed over by powers beyond her control.
