Frozen Time
Intellectually, I know it probably has more to do with my maxed out iLevel gear that's loaded down with materia than it does with my playing, but there's something very satisfying about being in an alliance raid and having the highest aggro in your party after the stanced up tank on notoriously low DPS job Dancer.
Frozen Time
I'm good at game
it is!
Frozen Time
The bad news is that Construct 8 is one of the only alliance raid minions I still don't have and I rolled a fucking 8 on the loot roll. :T
Frozen Time
Got the Lighthouse on roulette yesterday too and had a similarly dogshit loot roll.
Frozen Time
I deserve Construct 8 because Math is one of my favorite boss gimmicks in the game, throw me a bone here
i love it too!
i think it's fun and makes me feel smart
i think i want the caster/healer top from rabanastre
Frozen Time
Every run people complain about how it's so hard to understand, and it's like. The biggest number you can make is like 12. This is some third grade level shit. Y'all.
alas, bad luck
Frozen Time
Loot luck...
Frozen Time
Took me a really long time to get Amon's hat back in the day.
Frozen Time
Note to self: be sure to run the 10-dungeons-back-to-back step of all the animas you haven't done it on yet before the great numbersquish happens
Frozen Time
The rest of my to do before Endwalker list is mostly checked off at this point, really. I've got 7 more FATE's to go before I'm done those, and I haven't done anything for the Facets past unlocking them so those aren't on the list unless I suddenly go off the deep end, and I think everything else
Frozen Time
EW-specific I think I've completed. I've got my relic, I've got my amaro, I did the beast tribes, I leveled all the Trusts...
Frozen Time
Theoretically I could try to PF my way through the last couple of raids but. nah.