Memshare top level for Dirk! So that I have that up while I tag out on the harvest log... I'm kind of one step behind on everything but I'm TRYING MY BEST okay
I really never do shut up about this but I've also not said it recently so this is now my five-second soapbox about how FUCKED UP the rooftop convo is and how hilariously awful the fandom's embrace of that scene was.... like for Dave, yeah, it's a HUGELY cathartic, emotionally transformative scene
But then fandom went "and because he's a Strider, we're projecting that experience on Dirk too, and because he said he's going to change as a person, obviously that's the outcome! this is the best moment ever for both of them!"
Like he literally walks BACK on any progress he ostensibly made in telling Jake off for ghosting him in this scene, imo
This is probably a Controversial Opinion (TM) but that's fine, I don't expect anyone to pick that one anyway because it's just long and involves a lot of uh revealing information about Dirk's relationship with Dave, which.... hasn't been much of a thing in VR, really! Except between Dirk and Dave themselves.
YEAH NO I AGREE. I never related to fandom's reaction to that scene because I was def looking at Dirk's side of it over Dave's, and it felt so hollow for him and damaging. Dirk can be fucking loquacious as fuck at those he cares about, but he went to his very short answers and just taking fault that wasn't really his.
Like yay good for dave or w/e but I felt more for dirk in that moment, because that was not the interaction he had built up in his head for when he'd finally meet his bro. It was just this big emotional slap to his mouth and that was that.
YEAH IT WAS FUCKING BRUTAL like he just deflects into very tepid jokes and heaping blame onto himself, and this after he basically gets confirmation from Dave that being excited to meet him was a stupid thing to feel?
And by the end of it, you can kind of see him just reloading the self loathing modules over any expectations he had for himself OR his relationship with Dave.
EXACTLY and like him having Dave decapitate him is such an interesting event right after, esp with the lack of showing whether it was just or heroic, because the sacrifice in itself is heroic, but Dave is the one who struck him down and due to the association with could make it a just death. But people just gloss over that entirely.
Dirk is like, if I can be a good enough punching bag for him, and also completely chamhe who I am to my hero's my bro's set standard, maybe I can be worth something earn the relationship he's so generously allowing me to have with him at all
Like an argument could have been made that both aspects cancelled each other out, but jane had to bring dirk back so it had to be one of them... Or maybe he just made a new category, a justly heroic death LMAO
: Comin' for those T O E S then!! I just have to re-refresh myself so that I know I've got the details of this and the event right n' then I'll be there after work!
god, i almost want to do 2 even though i know it's going to be awful, just because steven knows how to nod and eat shit and he'll feel self-righteously angry on dirk's behalf
sailor bii
: Okay but that could be REALLY interesting? Dirk has never talked about this with ANYONE, and A. Steven knows canon and B. Dirk actually HATES it when other people roll over and shut up and take it from people who aren't him, so they could legit have an intelligible argument about that..................
YEAH.... yeah that's. In fairness, that's batting better than a lot of Dirk's canonmates in the Epilogues. But also: yeah that goes both ways with them.... Dirk respects Steven, believe it or not, but he's REAL BAD at getting where Steven's coming from.............
True story, I actually saw Sweeney Todd with my mum on Christmas day. I didn't even think about it until like... halfway through the film, and then I was like. Hm. Maybe I should have picked a different film?
: ABSOLUTELY lmfaoooi Dirk is gonna be mortified, this is such a personal moment and he doesn't even know you, please pretend you never saw this oh god
Like he literally walks BACK on any progress he ostensibly made in telling Jake off for ghosting him in this scene, imo
my hero'smy bro's set standard, maybe I canbe worth somethingearn the relationship he's so generously allowing me to have with him at all