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I mean I know that it's a thing but what do the people who made this cartoon think it is?
papermint tiger
I guess because the people who made this think that cat boys is weeaboo shit and only limp-wristed liberals can like weeb shit
papermint tiger
On that note i would like to arm-wrestle this person and show them just how limp my wrist is
is this supposed to be a bad thing?
papermint tiger
Sort-of source, during the mass influx of players into ffxiv from wow, i hesrd over and over again how this 'weeb shit' full of catboys was a shockingly good game
papermint tiger
Wow players seem to think they're the tough bunch. It's amusing to see
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like the gap between elf and orc and cat boy isn't as wide as they seem to think
papermint tiger
It's all nerdy nonsense, they just don't want to hear it lol
papermint tiger
But because some of our character models have tails, we're the furry game
Pen Again
In Wow, couldn't you be a PANDA or something?
Pen Again
or was that GW2?
Pen Again
They ALL run together after a while
Pen Again
Also I will bet you some of the complainers have Cat GIRL characters or Viera/Bunny Girls
but does FFXIV have the dragon girls?
Pen Again
I think there are people with dragony tails
Pen Again
Sadly I don't think any of the people are not at least mostly hume looking
แดผแดด แถ แดผแดฟ ๐ŸฆŠ หขแดฌแดทแดฑ
I'm pretty sure fandom stuff is bipartisan.
so no Bangaa or Nu Mou?
Pen Again
Not yet that I'm aware of, not playable anyway, but i haven't played in months
so as far as I can tell, what they're saying is that the only way to prevent the destruction of civilization as we know it by ongoing climate change is with socialism, communism, and cat boys (thinking)
papermint tiger
I mean that take checks out with me
papermint tiger
Ffxiv does have Hrothgar, which are pretty beastly. But that's lion men, which are just larger catboys
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...wait oh my god this is conservative humor LKSJLKDJF
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i legitimately thought. for a minute. that this was satirizing republicans.
papermint tiger
Right? Lmao
Hyatt : Bangaa and Nu Mou are in the game but not as playable races.
Also god Conservatives suck so much at making things seem like a bad thing.
papermint tiger
i'm pretty sure they confirmed that there will be no more playable races, they're only adding boi buns and femme lions over the next few expansions
papermint tiger
and that'll be it
And on the subject of Bangaa and Nu Mou, while I'd love to have more monstery races, I do get why all the races are very humanlike. Cuts down on the work of modeling and texturing for gear and such. I'm just glad they're there in NPC form at least.
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i still canโ€™t get over this being a conservative joke nfksmflg
marimoneki neko
belatedly, yes, pandaren are in wow
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like, the inclusion of catboys made me so sure that we were making fun of conservatives thinking the sky will fall if we do climate change
marimoneki neko
and the girls' /dance is caramelldansen
Flash Bastard
It's almost as good as the guy who thinks Trump tilting at a windmill is a favorable image of Trump.
Princess Emily
it's an edit, the original image said Tyranny
Princess Emily
I would have bought that the original had catboys if only because I know a bunch of alt-right-ers fighting with each other that anime/weeaboo-ism inherently leads to trans* and pedos // but ALG is not alt-right they're just classic neocon thinktank so
Flash Bastard : omgosh yes we have no idea if Ben Garrison is secretly calling Trump a fuckwit sometimes because he certainly does it on accident but \:|/
Ben Garrison - RationalWiki As the top says, it's hard (read: impossible) to be a good right-wing political cartoonist
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its a sad state of affairs when you can completely believe full sincerity from the edit
Cookie Politics
I mean, way too many US "conservatives" think that "acknowledging the needs of others in the community and not purposely making their lives worse" is tyranny, so it's still pretty stupid
papermint tiger
ah yeah i can see the edit now
papermint tiger
there's a reason there's a subreddit called "the right can't meme"
'cause their friends can't meme, and if they can't meme, then they're no friends of mine
The left can't meme, the right can't joke
suCCubus : I'd say it depends whether you mean meme in the colloquial sense of construct an internet-meme that's fun and also makes a kind of sense (what I think we were talking about), or the more technical sense of meme as an infectious thought easily passed from person to person
the right is definitely good at fabricating mind-viruses, that's the main (and possibly only) way fascism propagates
Princess Emily : I suspected it was probably going to turn out to be an edit, but also the right has people who yell about Jewish Space Lasers, so there's really no credibility threshold left there
papermint tiger
Which is exactly why i just accepted cat boys without a single question T_T
Yes that was my argument about memes, wrt internet memes leftists have a tendency to be unable to summarize talking points into pithy one-liners because we aren't easily infected with mind viruses
Something about innocculations (thinking) One might even say... we've been vaccinated
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FCuo5YnWQAUYY7H?format=jpg&name=large Just as I appreciate the utter failure that is Right-wing "humor" I appreciate the utter failure that is leftist ranting and trying to brainwash an audience for no one "memes"
It holds up a mirror to me and reminds me "Oh shit I need to remember not to lecture humans on morality"
An actual meme... about left-wing memes https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FCzTiP6WQAc50pE?format=jpg&name=medium
Princess Emily
mmm high guardians spice
rofl I mean that is definitely a category of left-wing meme, yes
but there are others as well
yes, 11 words is a lot for some people, but we know fascists can handle at least as many as 14
I mean they kept it pithy but the "problem" is the audience again. Right-wingers won't get it/care, left-wingers already know it from books/reality. It's a good meme, but it's not really ~meme-y~ insofaras 1) duplicable 2) light nonsense -- WHICH is the other left-wing problem, dark humor isn't universal and you have to know it to get it
Pen Again
I do think there's danger in believing we are inoculated from "mind viruses"/propaganda/a cult mentality. That is a good way to ignore the way that these things are subtle and seep into/pervade every day life and come from all sides, not just right wing and that even "left-wing" is itself a spectrum of ideas, some not great https://imgs.plurk.com/Qww/4yz/2W4bKqS6JR4OZcPflUweTUMIx4T_lg.jpg
MEMES: https://imgs.plurk.com/QzQ/2Qy/A2Kau2UZt4gX8boElXOBYISHXA3_lg.jpg
No No I'm sorry, that was a joke on right-wing America being antivax. I'm in no way immune. I fall for it all the time. I did with Afghanistan (though not Iraq) and I constantly have to verify etc.
at least Afghanistan had a credible (if also tenuous, dubious, complicated...) causal connection to a bad thing that happened
...which obviously is pretty weak grounds for starting a war you don't know how to end, but better than "and I want to blow up those other guys too"
I mean in my defense I was only 14 so it wasn't like I knew George W. had outright SAID IN ADVANCE that his father squandered his chance with the previous Gulf war to be a two-term president
I just knew that he was firing every single general who told him "Don't do it, and if you REALLY REALLY insist on it, you're going to need a draft and at LEAST 30k more soldiers"
https://imgs.plurk.com/QzQ/8wH/nm4jG53IceuUB8E0MbuQxOD27Zd_lg.jpg cat meme
...I still kinda feel bad for Powell.
Pen Again
I think anyone under the age of 30 deserves the excuse of just not having lived enough years to really grasp what was going on politically or historically on that
........like in a Rommel-esque sort of "you did bad things for bad people but at least you drew the line somewhere" kind of way, not a "poor woobie" way.
Pen Again
under 30 at the time of the event, I mean
specifically, drew the line somewhere and got destroyed for it
I'm 35 -- yeah I was gonna say
Pen Again
Isn't that the case for so many of these guys, historically? If you work for bad guys but have standards, you're gonna get screwed
I was VERY politically active though I was volunteering, writing letters, petitions, attending town halls, etc.
YEAH I was gonna also say about Powell because.......
well yeah but most people aren't visible enough to get really actively screwed at the highest levels
TLDR Militarism is NOT the way
Pen Again
Nah, I was 16 at the time and I don;t think even if I had been 26 I'd have understood fully. I came from a household that was politically neutral, and honestly I suspect that's the majority of people
this is a lesson I took until really this recently so
Powell had plenty to criticize about him but he also had some integrity, seemingly a lot compared to most of the people around him
Well I knew enough that I started boycotting CNN 2002 when they mentioned 250,000 killed in Darfur on the bottom ticker and then I spent 2 hours trying to get news about that while they sent Wolf Blitzer and co. on Spring Break. \:|/
Well lawful evil =/= chaotic evil.
and those who prioritize law and/or mistake it for morality don't prioritize the evil over the law
Since without the infrastructure of law, they are aware their capacity for evil is largely diminished
Not that you can't be military without being evil just >>
just that it makes it a lot easier?
it really does
And I'm not sure you can help cover up war crimes without being evil
I'm just not super sure on that
idk never underestimate the ability of people to convince themselves of some wild things to keep their worldview from unraveling
Oh totally
see 5G meme ^
You don't have to be stupid to make really funny memes, but it definitely helps. Just saying.
like "If we don't do torture we'll never be able to protect our innocent people at home. You do want to protect people at home, don't you?" isn't too hard to dismantle by itself
but if you have multiple authority figures say that to someone who wants desperately to believe in their leaders, and their cause, and who's already inured to doing Bad Things For Good Reasons...
it's really hard to question that argument without casting doubt on all the other things they're emotionally attached to, and nobody wants to question whether the bad things they've done were really for good reasons
I do think, as I said, he was 100% committed to Law & order (as his view of morality) and that he definitely didn't want American soldiers to be killed pointlessly
which is more than I can say for ... others
*pointlessly or for billionaire profit which obvs Mitch McConnel and co. do want
I kind of suspect he didn't really want anybody killed pointlessly even if he was pretty comfortable shifting them over into "acceptable cost of national security"
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nooooooo he was prettttttttyyyyyy okay with non-Americans dying (see again: Darfur, oh and Reagan selling weapons, and George Bush senior)
Not like he wanted to be killing them
just didn't feel the need to stop it even if he had the power to
hrm... I mean it's not like a talked to him about it, obviously, but I always kinda got the vibe that he was more "eehhhh well I can justify it to myself this way so if it's what my boss really wants..." than "yeah sure idgaf have fun"
Well at least he didn't want Americans dying needlessly... which is still... a big step up???? \:|/
I mean it's like me and McCain every so often I'm like "He was against torture and he was a hero"
And then I have to remember, he was still a crazy warhawk and gave us Sarah Palin.
I can forgive being so insanely dumb about Ukraine he was like "We need to give them GUNS AND AMMO :V" when they specifically were like "we have a fuckton of that from the USSR remember? We need food and fuel T_T"
my guess is that he did what he could to minimize foreign casualties within the bounds of what he was authorized to get done, and then described it to himself as saving those lives, rather than condemning the ones written off as acceptable collateral damage
But I can never forgive Palin
yeah I hear you
I mean there is a lot of "If I don't, someone worse will--" when it came to Trump and Hitler too \:|/ I'm not saying Powell was def. evil I'm just... he definitely wasn't good
...I feel like McCain was perhaps prone to getting his actions confused with his legacy, and prioritizing imagined impacts on the latter over the former.
Like specific example?
e.g. "well if working this this nitwit is what I need to do to have a real chance at the white house, then it's ok, it'll all come out in the wash"
Nooooooo in Palin's case he was just stupid and inept and unfamiliar with the internet
well yeah he definitely didn't comprehend what she represented other than a big basket of votes
He wanted a woman to run against Obama in case Obama didn't pick HRC as running mate, and ON PAPER Palin's team got the word in advance by like 12 hours and super fudged the sheet on her so that she looked like the best candidate on paper
And he wasn't in the know with any actual Republican women
so where I was literally writing her letters and begging Alaska to stop shooting wolves (fucking--)
He just literally didn't know who she was
yeah but from his (hypothetical) point of view why does he need to, he's been told by his Math Nerds that she's the best chance to win so what else is there to discuss
Flash Bastard
I was actually willing to hear McCain out until Sarah Palin ended up on his ticket. And then I went '...sir you have a VERY high chance of dying in office and I don't want her anywhere near the presidency.'
that and I'd be pretty skeptical if you're saying he still didn't know who she was by autumn
Especially since she was literally robbing the campaign rofl
Flash Bastard
(And at this point I have serious concerns about her quitting her elected office halfway through her term. She'd give up federal office if she got a better offer.)
Flash Bastard
(Much like my problem with Mark Sanford isn't that he had an affair on SC's dime (well, sort of that) so much as 'he fucked off to Argentina for a long weekend and didn't tell anyone where he was going or who was in charge while he was gone.')
so... that's what I mean, really, that he was willing to write off bad ideas in the present if he thought they would somehow position him to outweigh them in the final analysis, hence confusing actions with legacy
See normally when I think of the things he did for his legacy I think of like
his actually working on climate change and acknowledging it was real
But yeah I got ya
...I kinda suspect there's a lot of that sort of thinking among officers, tho. (thinking) I mean I imagine it would be hard to be an effective military officer if you can't stomach "do something sketchy right now because you're confident it's going to pay off in the long run"
Well, yes, but I suspect that's also that he was one of the handful of Actual Conservatives left in the Republican Party and wasn't particularly into death cults or obvious total nonsense.
Well that became really apparent with Trump
And the anti-torture
same thing
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man i feel like i distinctly recall a time you could have actual disagreements with republicans about policy without it being like, โ€œyou actively want to cause people harmโ€
I am fairly certain I have seen Big Name Conservatives ranting about catboys, so. very believable
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but these days anyone still willing to call themselves republican are in direct support of white supremacy and fascism and is happy to just let people die for the sake of politics so :V
and then they cry about the "other side" being too partisan
Yes (LOL)