You know what this always sounds like to me? Waah, some person with similar GPA's and academic record had the gall to take my child's spot. And worse, they aren't even the right color!
Starfirez: I hate marking any of those boxes. I'm not really sure that I want to have an application considered on that basis. I usually can tick at least a "disability" box, but it doesn't really seem "safe" to do so with an application.
: over 17 years I wrote opinions for judges who were Democrats, Republicans, black, white, male, female, gay, straight, nice, not so nice, and everything in between!
"The judges concurred, and in a moving speech held that Life itself was in contempt of court, and duly confiscated it from all those there present before going off to enjoy a pleasant evening's ultragolf.”
University of North Carolina Can Keep Affirmative Action, Judge Rules