I finished season 1 of Emily in Paris. Tags about this drama are various such as soap opera, dramatic......to name but a few. Truth be told, it’s like a cheap thrills. Let me forget the pressure from school but when I finished it that I feel empty
What I realize from the series is that if you want to have a knight or prince to pick you up in the end of the story, you should make yourself become a princess first. Emily have ability to make herself a princess with her active attitude and always being ambitious. Also, I like what she wears in the every episodes.
又是會逼死強迫症的標籤 還好我沒有看劇真的真的真的真的會增強聽力
比較少看劇 最近有ㄌNetflix
剛剛爆看一波 感覺有訓練到
(幹正事不做)算了反正英文是這時代必備技能啦 不算耍廢吧
我都這樣說服自己理直氣壯地看 NetflixTags about this drama are various such as soap opera, dramatic......to name but a few.
Truth be told, it’s like a cheap thrills.
Let me forget the pressure from school but when I finished it that I feel empty
請讓我加入這個行列ian🍨Ahh sugar! : 我應該是上課練的XD看影集變的好方便 快樂
ps: 我用netflix看日本節目居多