I think I'm still waiting for sth that I'm not sure if it's worth waiting for... or does it even exist. It might take a few days, a few weeks, months, years and perhaps forever, but yeah, I'm waiting.
I am just really upset... yes, voicing out opinions is a wonderful thing, but people gotta do it wisely. 我又開始對話語感到悲觀了。在這個時代,觀看與表達的方式尤其重要,是所有人必修的課題啊...一個人或許能做好媒體識讀,但未能看清媒體有時如鬣狗般的本質,只會把自己變成一位輿論工具人,情緒隨著來來去去,幾天後歸於平靜,被蝗蟲掃蕩過的原野卻是一點豐饒都不剩了。真的想做這樣的人嗎?
I'm glad that I'm being honest with myself and it turns out okay(for me, for now) might as well being a lunatic in other people's pov, I'm happy that I didn't give up.
Of course you can change your opinions and stance during the course, but you might as well shut up before you collect enough data and facts. Be responsible for your words please. If you just randomly toss them out without using your precious brain, you are an asshole.