: Yeah, might be a week or two but I'm hoping to slap together a web site for at least entering items into the system, we'll talk about overall set up of the live deployment then.
I'll at least get input/output for the items options up and then I want to go hard on iterations.
Catgirl Crimes
: Not sure if you want to have a local dev instance of the back end or not, I can help you set up a copy if you do.
: If you have a prototype, for testing purposes I can use InVision or XD and just make interactions, first I think if we have a prototype, I can start initial surveying GMs, maybe do some light testing and can make suggestions about where pain points would be if any of that makes sense - You can shoot me a pp or hit me on discord to discuss
We'll talk when I hit minimum viable product on the items input page.
Lucky the Raspberry Pi will fix that issue.