saku 🌠
I realize illness and such has led me to be extremely forgetful lately and I want to both apologize and ask advice on how to handle it
saku 🌠
Like, what tools do you guys use for memory?
saku 🌠
I started out by sticking a notepad on my lock screen
saku 🌠
saku 🌠
Someone told me "just try harder" and i'm like.
we’re legends
i simply convince myself that this time i will remember, and then i forget. an elegant, low-effort system
Just try harder is terrible advise.
I use Habitica
I have my full to-do list in Toodledo with eight bajillion tasks organized by folders, goals, priority levels...basically anything I want to get done eventually goes in there. And then I use Habitica for stuff I need to remember to do every day, including habits for picking between one and three things from Toodledo to do that day, and then doing them.
If your to-do lists tend to be shorter and simpler you can also set up to-dos in Habitica itself, but I ended up with too many things in my to-do column and it got overwhelming
saku 🌠
I have habitica on my phone but my problem is I don't remember to open it or I don't remember to do the tasks so then I don't open it because if i don't it will only take away from me for one day instead of a week
saku 🌠
If there's a way to remember using it, I think it'd help a lot, you're right
saku 🌠
Ahh yeah. That's a fair point and something I struggle with a bit on the weekends. I mostly use Habitica at the computer; I have it set up as one of the tabs that opens automatically when I start up my browser on both my work computer and my personal computer
saku 🌠
!!! So you pin it?
Yup, it's just one of my startup pages
so's Toodledo
I've had a few frustrations with Toodledo but overall I like it because there are so many ways to tag and organize your tasks and you can customize it really thoroughly.
I have my Toodledo organized in folders and goals and so forth, but I like to put a star on the two or three things I'm actually going to try to get done that day, then click the option to display just the starred items so I don't get overwhelmed with the rest.
saku 🌠
I don't quite understand what toodledo is
saku 🌠
I don't quiteunderstand what toodledo is
saku 🌠
saku 🌠
I should probably specify that the problem in hand causing this can lead to short term memory amnesia, so more complicated things to set up are a bit impossible
ahh yeah, Toodledo might not be the most helpful, then?
It's a to do list; in its simplest form you just enter the things that you want to do (you can add details in an expandable field), but at its most complicated you can have things organized or tagged four or five different ways so you can sort the list by different factors
saku 🌠
I'll keep it for when this improves, thanks <3
saku 🌠 but yeah I. I definitely know habitrpg
saku 🌠
even if I have to get used to the rename
saku 🌠
I need a party though