how the ToryScum government is culling the UK population via deliberate mass infection (in schools & offices by trying to ban home-working) and via cronyism on dodgy PPE and testing.
Rachel Clarke on Twitter
that most of the media are Tory-owned (or Tory-donor-owned !) and are very much complicit in trying to destroy the country (racism, sexism, anti-woke, climate-denialists, anti-EU, pro-Brexit and denying the damage caused):
Kit Yates on Twitter
the mass infection of children, having failed to vaccinate them over the summer and also wasting a year and a half in failing to make schools intrinsically safer:
Dr Zubaida Haque on Twitter
a comparison of how world-beating (EU-beating) the UK is at this Tory policy of trying to infect, disable/maim and kill people:
John O'Connell on Twitter
how they are trying to stop you from seeing the data on their corrupt and murderous plans:
Unlock Democracy on Twitter
failure to act effectively and also to disclose the data surrounding that:
Prof. Christina Pagel on Twitter
Colin Davis on Twitter
another set of information on why the UK is doing so badly with CoViD:
John Burn-Murdoch on Twitter
data on the damage done by incompetent (private company) testing of infectious cases returning false negatives:
Rupert Beale on Twitter