Corpse Sniffer
(genshin) explore the new island i said, it will be fun i said
no one told me about the incurable DoT that the new enemies give you
Corpse Sniffer
thankfully i haven't DIED but like
Corpse Sniffer
zhongli literally had 600 hp at one point and god that waws frustrating
Corpse Sniffer
i mean otherwise exploring the misty island is kind of cool and the story is interesting and i want to know more but
Corpse Sniffer
i could do without the woofers
Corpse Sniffer
cant believe they made enemies even more annoying than water specters
Corpse Sniffer
also i was not expecting to cry in thoma's hangout why tf would you give me a sad dog sidestory
time to learn how to dodge and use ranged characters
Corpse Sniffer
absolutely not
Corpse Sniffer
also tbh even with yanfei they still hit me all the time so like
Corpse Sniffer
i dont think you can even dodge teleporting dogs that r ush at you
Corpse Sniffer
or if you can its certainly not something im capable of
guess it's the combo and charged attacks. you can't fucking move while you're at it
Corpse Sniffer
thats also true
I had my anemos spam E and run away tbh
Corpse Sniffer
but aloy and childe are not high enough level and barbara well....she heals but even her heals can barely keep up sometimes
Corpse Sniffer
idk why but it drains zhonglis hp so much faster than everyone else
Corpse Sniffer
also using charged dshots with bow characters is a definite not b/c i cannot dodge like that
Healers are key, but also. Have lots of food.