You're Quinner
You're Quinner
today's lesson I must learn is 吗
You're Quinner
吗, ma, is the question particle
You're Quinner
'I like coffe' = 我喜欢咖啡
You're Quinner
'do you like coffee?' = 你我喜欢咖啡吗
You're Quinner
You're Quinner
this particle is ONLY for yes/no questions
You're Quinner
so for example
You're Quinner
'how much does the coffee cost'
You're Quinner
咖啡多少钱吗: wrong
You're Quinner
咖啡多少钱: right
You're Quinner
tripped me up
You're Quinner
also question formation is deliciously easy, you don't rearrange the sentence at all
You're Quinner
the coffee is 5 yuan: "kafei 5 kuai"
how much is the coffee?: "kafei duoshao qian?"
You're Quinner
ignore kuai turning into qian that's a different thing
You're Quinner
but you just put 'how much' where '5' was
You're Quinner
You're Quinner
I'm getting slightly better at speaking confidently
You're Quinner
like I said a sentence without rehearsing it first