i dreamed something about racism i think?
like, i was outside in what felt like either the countryside or the 1800's and there was a big fenced-in grassy area full of black men but i was really awkwardly trying to use my phone camera to catch the one standing outside of it without him noticing me? like, i needed to focus the phone on him for a certain amount of time for it to catch
i'm assuming i wasn't taking a picture but i don't know what program this was--anyway he obviously caught sight of me and perfectly politely asked what was up and i ended up asking why all those other guys were in a pen? he seemed surprised that i wouldn't know
if i remember right he said they were looking for jobs or something...anyway next i ended up at one of those 2-3 story plaza buildings and there was a restaurant either on the second or third floor i forget but i was trying to perfectly fix my ponytail while surreptitiously glancing at the menu in the window while standing on the staircase between floors
i failed though so ultimately i just went inside and saw a table with four girls who'd all ordered the exact same thing...i don't remember what it was but i feel like it was supposed to be some sort of dessert? that came in separate parts on the plate? so you put it together yourself
then i found my parents(? i don't remember if they were my parents the whole time or just when we were leaving)
anyway i've forgotten the entire interaction with them except a part at the end where i called back baba to give him some change mama left on the table that she wanted him to take, only when i handed him the couple quarter size coins i found like, handfuls of smaller size coins beneath
this works because they weren't stacked neatly and neither was the tableware so the top coins were leaning on not just other coins but also the dishes and ridges in the tablecloth
i want to go back to sleep