Well. Made a GoFundMe for my mom's funeral.
Gama Family Funeral and Burial Fundraiser, organized...
✶ 𝐇𝐨𝐇𝐨𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨!
are you ok with this being replurked?
thats fine
i know im a nobody in the dwrp space but
gently bumping this
thank you to those who have donated so far, it truly means a lot
we've managed to book the wake and funeral thus far but we basically have to pay it off in full
we've managed to raise enough to pay off the plot at the cemetery, the rest goes towards the funeral services itself
/scoops into a gentle hug
I'll see what I can do.
an update: thanks to the kindness of everyone who donated to the gfm, as well as those who reached out to donate to us personally, we were able to pay off everything. my family and i are truly, eternally grateful to every last one of you - especially here on dwrp, where i am basically an absolute nobody.
even if you couldn't donate, the fact you were willing to help me spread the word, even if you were a total stranger, meant the world to me. this has been an exhausting month but next week, we'll be able to lay our mother to rest. thank you all so much.