Zigzag Stampede
Couple thoughts this evening on the commute home: 1. It's super creepy rushing to catch a normally full bus, get on it, and find it completely empty.

2. I wonder what people think if they look over to see what I'm watching on my phone while working out at the gym.
Zigzag Stampede
Thought 1: Am I on a ghost bus? Am I the only one who can see this bus? Did I die while working out and this is my hell of always being on a bus and wondering if my dyslexic head read the numbers backwards once again.
Zigzag Stampede
Because this is an issue that happens TOO OFTEN TO ME. I looked at a reflection to make sure I was on the correct bus and I am. (LOL) although it did have a letter after the number so that cued a panicked search for the metro time tables.
Zigzag Stampede
Does this bus end early? Does it skip my stop. IS IT STILL A GHOST BUS?!??!?
papermint tiger
i have read too many stories where the empty bus/train was in fact something supernatural/paranormal, so i would be right there with you worrying about being on a ghost bus lol
Zigzag Stampede
It is the lame answer of not a ghost bus, but the very cool answer of: this goes just as far as the normal bus and does not skip my stop. It's just a one way that doesn't return to the city eventually.
Zigzag Stampede
Zigzag Stampede
During rush hour some buses skip my stop so thank you for not faking me out G bus (another point to be a ghost bus... The letter is a G after the normal number. It must stand for GHOST)
Zigzag Stampede
papermint tiger : then do I have news for you if you're still listening to the Magnus Archives hope you like supernatural public transport stories
papermint tiger
i am! I keep stopping for long periods and then staying up all night and consuming dozens at once lmao
papermint tiger
but yeah i was just thinking about the lady on the dirty train
Zigzag Stampede
Thought 2: Like most people my watch history on YouTube is super weird. From twitch gamer highlights, weird video games fact videos, Kitchen nightmares, video game facts, AMVs, random animations in general, bee keepers, and farrier's shaving cow hooves. YOU HEARD ME
papermint tiger
but it is far from the only time i've heard a story like it lol
papermint tiger
i've seen those hoof shaving videos, but i was scared to click XD but i mean i watch a man remove giant wasp nests so /shrug
Zigzag Stampede
So it makes me wonder what people think as I'm dying while peddling a bike to see my screen go from Gordon Ramsey yelling at someone, to some weird ass video game clip, to someone shaving a cow's foot
Zigzag Stampede
ALSO SNAKES. HOW COULD I FORGET SNAKE DISCOVERY. I have been on a huge kick of their videos lately
Zigzag Stampede
I use to watch the TV while biking but they replaced the shows I would watch with family guy and American dad. No thank you. Give me a guy trying to tell me to say fuck you to jar sauce and make my own.
Zigzag Stampede
I don't know what it is, but this one hoof channel I watch - his voice is so soothing and there is something rhythmic about watching the bits of unhealthy hoof be removed.
Zigzag Stampede
I tried to watch a different one but he was a bit too BOOM for me. (because that makes sense. Lol, I'm so tired and I'm mostly just rambling and being silly to stay awake on this commute)
Zigzag Stampede
Zigzag Stampede
You know... If this rush hour traffic ever moves. Maybe I should take a nap on the bus...
papermint tiger
no, i get what you mean, some people just have very jarring voices or they speak a little too loud, not good for a voiceover to something like that
papermint tiger
and oof, gross, why did they have to replace the shows with those things
Zigzag Stampede
I mean the shows weren't exactly stellar, but better than those two
Ghost bus - or you'll become Shazam!
papermint tiger
oooh yeah man, i need to watch that movie again
Zigzag Stampede
Yes!!!! I wanna be Shazam!!!
For the most part, people can't see someone else's phone screen that well from a casual glance. They'd have to be really trying, which most people can't be arsed to do for something they shouldn't be doing, anyway.
Zigzag Stampede
I dunno, I sometimes see people's screens on the bus pretty easily. Not that I stare on purpose, but some screens are very clear these days