Hazard Kitten
Ask me any questions about Sherlock, Harlock, or Raidou

Hazard Kitten
no specific colors since they're all different teams

a girl in love
Harlock's impressions of each of the other Phoenix members so far

Hazard Kitten
Reim: rational, though more hidebound than he's used to - someone reliable if things go pear-shaped.

Hazard Kitten
Horse: After getting over the surprise of horse, someone who is also in the potentially reliable slot, and also share annoyance of talons.

Hazard Kitten
the others he hasn't gotten a strong bead on yet but under 'potential'

Hazard Kitten
though he is a little spooked by WWX's bone buddy, as one of his consistent characterization across different medias is he does not rob graves and find the act distasteful

Hazard Kitten
but the big thing is, he's polite and firm but he is still in deep mourning for his best friend and isn't really up to befriending people