That feeling when I'm looking at Sora being the final member of Smash and my only reaction is ?????? And then suddenly realizing it's because I got so burnt out on KH fandom in the huge gap of time I was waiting for KHIII
Like the only other KH games I finished were 1 and 2 because I couldn't figure out the mechanics in Chain of Memories
And everything else was on platforms I couldn't afford
I was super obsessed with Kingdom Hearts, my friend and I were furiously putting together a fan comic before KH2 came out
He got bored and swapped to something new, but it turns out our harebrained ideas were apparently right on track because I guess we sort of hiveminded and predicted Roxas's plot somehow??
After that I just waited super hopefully but a bazillion games came out after that and I couldn't play any of them
So after ten years I just stopped waiting, and sure enough by the time they made KH3 I still couldn't play it because I couldn't afford the platform so it doesn't matter
(Like we were in so deep on this fan comic he had built all the graphics for the comic page)
I did SO MANY costume designs
spoony bard
god, this is like my experience with KH down to a T
Catgirl Crimes
You went further than I. I stopped at 1 lmfao
spoony bard
i will play KH3 one day, just for the sake of finishing the story, even though...... it's been said this is only the end of an arc?
spoony bard
so like, not even the definitely conclusion that i crave lol
Besides there's a ton of story that you miss by only doing the main three titles, it's like just reading the plot synopsis and the first, middle and last episodes of a 24 episode arc
All the plot is in the side stories
spoony bard
Catgirl Crimes
That's why I stopped at 1. I was like I do not have time for this whole series rn
spoony bard
also can't afford every console to play them on
spoony bard
they FINALLY released some of the handheld exclusives on PS3 and PS4 but it's so late in the game i can't really care all that much
Saaaame the series became such a goddamn clusterfuck I just couldn't bother anymore after 2
Also what Sora being the final member of Smash??
Yep he's the last one on the roster
ready to rook
I totally get this. KH never left me mainly because Sora has always been a hyper focus character for me, but I get the fatigue so much. A lot of my friends ended up giving up on KH because it's a freaking mess and the long wait
ready to rook
so while I'm super hype, I totally get why other folks would not be. I even totally understand the "ugh another sword fighter in smash" crowd XD
My fave was Kairi. You can probably guess where my problems really started
spoony bard
spoony bard
in the grand tradition of "JRPGs straight up ignore compelling female characters by effectively writing them out of the narrative in lieu of homoerotic battles between the two male leads"
spoony bard
i had so many flashbacks to FFIV fandom, and it doesn't help that Riku was written specifically as a Kain expy so........ yeah
the good news about this is that sora's appearance in smash seems specifically geared towards kh1 nostalgia
his default outfit is the original, and his floaty moveset references the first game's combat (and the second's, but still, that ariel based combat)
spoony bard
like, i'm not even in Smash fandom anymore, so i have no horse in this race, and i'm genuinely happy for the folks that wanted Sora in their punch game
spoony bard
i'm just vibing with Ziri here like "ah, i remember when i used to love this franchise"
Yiiii like, congrats to all the Sora fans!!! I miss being that excited about things, honestly
spoony bard
we can be excited about EW, at least?
bean check
at this point i just enjoy YouTubers driving themselves mad trying to explain the plot, such as it is
Okay I finally saw the Sora Smash reveal and I still got a little misty eyed so I guess it's just lurking within me waiting for the piano refrains of Simple and Clean to strike