Frozen Time
Just finished watching an LP of the Spider-Man: Miles Morales game and /lies down

Frozen Time
Miles... good

Frozen Time
His voice actor is really good, I was impressed at several points

Frozen Time
Peter wasn't in a lot of this, but the few points he did pop up, he was also very good, the writers for these games just get Peter, very refreshing.

Frozen Time
Love how Miles's animations differ from Peter's to show his inexperience/personal style, very nice touch.

Frozen Time
Casually vibrating about the post-credits stinger

Frozen Time
Curious about how Spider-Man 2 is going to handle the two Spideys. The easiest way would probably be continuing to focus on Peter and leave Miles as an NPC doing his own thing and maybe occasionally helping with missions, but it'd be neat if they figure out how to incorporate him more. Seems like it'd be difficult with the leveling system they've got, though

Frozen Time
But I'm not a game designer, so what do I know.

oh i'm scary
honestly if you can play as him and MJ for brief parts of the first game

oh i'm scary
you can have certain chapters where you're Miles in 2

Frozen Time
Yeah, but they were civilians without cool powers and upgrades and gadgets in 1.

Frozen Time
Oh, also, really dig how Uncle Aaron was utilized in this game.

Frozen Time
Really, my dream would be full co-op, but I'm not really expecting it.

Frozen Time
I just really love the dynamic between Peter and Miles in these games. This is what it would've been like if Peter A didn't die at the beginning of Into the Spider-verse and I'm glad one Peter in the appropriate age bracket gets that experience.

Frozen Time
Yes I still think about how excited Peter A was at the prospect of a Spider student and feel sad about it, shut up