Mrs Sheepie
Give me our CR and I'll do a ramble about it

Mrs Sheepie
when I wake up

Mrs Sheepie
bc it's 1.40am

Jon and Tim

Jacobi and Tim! Duh

Lady Stardust
Oh! hi! yes please!

Well, sure, what is there to ramble about these two.

All of it

Mrs Sheepie
i don't think Tim and Jon were particularly close when they worked in research together? they were definitely friendly bc Tim is Tim and Jon wouldn't have had as much pressure on him then, but i like the idea that that's where the Boss nickname started, since he's got 2 years on tim in research

Mrs Sheepie
when jon got HA tim very clearly has been trying to keep up their relationship, at least as of 33, but jon's increasing pressure/stress from the job is making that a bit of effort. which is like- fair! really! they're all just on edge bc of prentiss, it's fine they can recover

Mrs Sheepie
and then they find Gertrude's body and it's just

Mrs Sheepie
hoo boy

Mrs Sheepie
it's still going okay but then martin tells tim about the stalking and jon's been treating tim like he's a murderer and the massive communications breakdown is A Lot when tim's also fucked up and traumatised and everyone is just Tired

Mrs Sheepie
and after like several months of Everything In Season 3 vs only one on the barge it's still a bit weird for Tim to like. see Jon actually looking relaxed and acting like. almost like his old self? especially cos Tim's a petty bitch and not great at letting go of grudges so he's still having to like

Mrs Sheepie
contend what he's seeing right now with the traumatised stresshead he just spent months avoiding who helped him blow up a Ritual

Mrs Sheepie
most of him's glad that jon's in a better place like, mentally and everything but he's still Mad that it couldn't have happened earlier. and knowing jon got to "survive" the Unknowing makes him feel weirdly like. displaced? irrelevant? life goes on but it's weird when it's people you know moving on from you

Mrs Sheepie
he's deeply enjoying making Jon make faces again, though, so it's not all bad

Mrs Sheepie
I feel like if Tim knew Daisy better than just "psycho killer cop" he'd definitely compare Jacobi to her a lot. absolutely no qualms in doing a Murder because some higher power pointed him towards something that needed killing in their books

Mrs Sheepie
as is, mostly he feels like he should be more baffled at himself for being fast friends with someone who readily and eagerly blew up a hospital, but that mostly means caring what other people think about the matter so fuck that

Mrs Sheepie
he really does enjoy having someone he can bitch with and get properly drunk with, it's nice having a real friend. but he's got Some Concern about how being his warden now might make that weird, since Jacobi like

Mrs Sheepie
he's not subtle about being an absolute bottom

Oh my god, that phrasing ahaha.

Mrs Sheepie
and while the sir stuff is annoying mostly he's wondering if it's not like, Jacobi putting up walls so he can keep on being a follower rather than thinking for himself on shit

Mrs Sheepie
but yeah, overall Tim loves Jacobi, he's a fuckin lad, he's just Concerning too

He is correct. And also he does not want to take responsibility for things because that sucks a lot. And Tim doesn't make him take responsibility for things! And so this is okay!

Mrs Sheepie
Lady Stardust
Tim likes Iris on general principles, more now that he knows about her getting Jon to wear a pink feather boa and he is going to demand pictures at some point

Mrs Sheepie
he thinks she's a fun free spirit and would be an absolute ball to get to know better, but she loses a few points for the obvious nightmare fetishism re: the Fears

Mrs Sheepie
would definitely and gleefully participate in and lose a drinking game to her

Mrs Sheepie
rarity Tim really doesn't have a good bead on Connor! the hand thing really wigged him out and then the whole murder closet~

Mrs Sheepie
he understands that Connor is his own whole thing with literally zero connections to the Stranger, like on a purely objective level, but it's harder convincing his emotional trauma brain of that, and Connor seems to like. not quite get where he's coming from, to him? which im not sure if that's Tim dismissing him or examining it badly or something else

Mrs Sheepie
he's pretty sure Connor doesn't like him, now. or at least doesn't have reason to since he's publicly sided with Jacobi and has nothing to say in defense or justification for him. but he did hand over the file, I meant to backdate a tag for Connor in handing it over

Mrs Sheepie
Coraline likes her crime dad a lot and she still very much wants to see how much she'll let him get away with in future. he seems like he has the lowest resistance to her bullshit and she's going to try and make the most of it while she can

Mrs Sheepie
before Professional Dad Kiryu puts a stop to it, haha

i am late but i wish for your martin and roland thoughts

Mrs Sheepie
rarity honestly he's still shocked he came out of that alive

Mrs Sheepie
also if you're okay with backtags we could still do a quick thread of handing over the file

Mrs Sheepie
I need to shake more tags out of you but Martin has a weakness for Male Authority Figures so he'll be taking a lot of everything Roland tells him to heart very quickly, especially if it's like. generally sound advice


martin no

Mrs Sheepie
he's a little bit directionless at the moment despite his routine and like, the general goal of Research For Jon so he could use something/someone to give him a nudge towards a cause. even if Roland ends up like lowkey prepping him to kill his own not-quite-boyfriend

just remember that guns don't kill people

you kill people

with your heart

allll of ours

Mrs Sheepie
yessss we just have A Lot so I was saving them for last

/feels special

Mrs Sheepie
I already did a nice big ramble about Martin before in another plurk but to reiterate:

Mrs Sheepie
trying very hard not to be a Replacement Martin for jon who is very much in love with him but he's stuck worrying about whether it's him or Him and Jon's in such a state of general distress that Martin's fallen into Aggressively Supporting Him for both of their wellbeings. the crush is real and the love is reciprocated but it's Complicated

Ahahahaha. Those are good thoughts (and accurate to boot). Damn, this child is going to take advantage of the fun dad for all it's worth. XD Poor Majima doesn't stand a chance.

Mrs Sheepie
Coraline has Some Fear of Jon now and it's resulted in her taking a less active level of defending/protecting him since he can very obviously Take Care Of Himself (disregarding that he doesn't want to protect himself Like That again)

Mrs Sheepie
she still values his opinion and will listen to hin but her perceived safety/survivability in his presence has Dropped

Mrs Sheepie
Taylor and Tim would be absolute bastard gremlin siblings, Tim just has to get over the bugs first. which he's getting there! her showing up without them is a great show of like. respecting boundaries, so that does a lot to earn his trust

Mrs Sheepie
Tim's personal space/boundaries are Very Important to him

T: hides all the spiders in her hair

Lady Stardust
Iris isn't - okay she's a bit of a nightmare fetishist

Lady Stardust
mostly it's just that she

Lady Stardust
she has a fundamental instability at the root of her existence

Mrs Sheepie
Lady Stardust
it'd be fine if it wasn't like. slightly personal and a bit raw? but like. generally speaking there's nothing wrong with enjoying a bit of horror

i've come back to this because i found the perfect summary of elias and tim's hypothetical relationship pre-s1
Tim Stoker's Words of Wisdom - The Magnus Archives A...

Mrs Sheepie
that's really it