Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
[Intro Plurk] I just realized the last one I did was in Jan I think, so here we go.
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I'm also awful at these and never know what to say so I'm probably just going to awkwardly mumble through this rofl. Feel free to ask questions as well.
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I'm Luna and I'm 29 years old. I work front desk in hotel hell, currently looking for a new job. Currently I'm in these games:

Alphinaud Leveilleur | FFXIV
Mirai Akarui | Original
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I just got into Song, so I'm sure I have/will have plenty of new people. I was in beforehand with Mirai with the intent of apping her for , but Song came around and I couldn't resist. I do still want to eventually goto Deer County, but idk when that will be.
Fiery Grump
Luna is great, don't let her convince you otherwise
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I just don't want to overwhelm myself, so maybe once I start to feel like I can handle more. Otherwise I don't do too many psls or memes because I don't give them enough attention generally and don't want to leave people hanging, but I'm open to them if people are aware I'll be slow
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Ahah ty
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I like to rp obviously, but sometimes I'm a Twitch Affiliate. Lol these days I don't stream as much because of MH reasons, but still try to on occasion when I feel up to it. I also like to draw, but admittedly I don't have the inspiration or motivation these days, so that's been very lacking the past few years.
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On occasion, I like to make compilation videos of good moments with friends on Ps4, but I've slowed on those as well because looking at my capture gallery is daunting and off-putting rofl. (I have so much to go through). I am interested in doing RPG Maker game let's plays again, but I haven't done much with that just yet.
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I do a few other things like coding (not from scratch but you know...), cosplay, and icon making. Although icon making has become a bane of my existence because most of the people I play don't have pre-existing icons or good ones, so I usually end up having to make my own. I don't feel up to it all of the time.
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I finally just made an icons comm since I make so many. If it'll help others and I get proper credit for my icons, I'm happy to share what I have. I also have two muselists at the moment because one of them is super old and one is newer but nowhere near done.
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It's intended to replace my one eventually. I've actually been trying to cut down my muselist lately, so I'm still in the process of that.
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Things I like to scream about on my plurk these days: FFXIV, my OCs, and work being awful. By all means, please mute the work ranting if you don't care about it. There's no hard feelings. I mostly just want to rant and get things off of my chest rofl. I guess I do have occasional MH plurks, but that's are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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Idk when those happen honestly. I just recently lost my grandpa so we're sort of dealing with that.
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I'm not sure what else to add, so feel free to ask whatever else and I'd be happy to answer.
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Also now that I'm done with my shit... Fiery Grump is equally amazing and you should friend him.
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Also prompted by adding mcgwiggles because it made me realize when my last Intro was rofl. SO HELLO! Welcome to hugs!
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Also hello Bret 🍊 :3
Bret 🍊
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We haven't had the chance to tag yet but someday we will /clutches hands
Bret 🍊
Bret 🍊
my soul is eager but my body is having a tired month, but someday. points at my eyes. points at you.
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God if that isn't a mood idk what is rofl
Bret 🍊
why u gotta be this way, bodies
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Oh I guess another thing to add is that my tagging time is usually later night (11pm) or early morning because I usually work til 11 but the days have been 12 occasionally
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ʜɪɢʜ ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ 🐉
omg how serendipitous
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I saw you in Rynn's plurk but didn't want to change the topic to something not relevent there
ʜɪɢʜ ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ 🐉
that we play the twins LMAO
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Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I was actually just about to tag Estinien rofl
ʜɪɢʜ ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ 🐉
i almost apped her to song too LMFAO
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ive been considering a lot of song muses against my better judgement
ʜɪɢʜ ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ 🐉
but i figured I'd wait til endwalker
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Alphi was one LOL
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but i dont want to overload myself sooo
ʜɪɢʜ ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ 🐉
YEAH i would have three girls in song.. sweats
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i also appreciate that our names are just puns LOL
ʜɪɢʜ ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ 🐉
but I love my disaster daughter so much
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mines more of a joke but yaknow
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she so good
ʜɪɢʜ ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ 🐉
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i love the twins with all of my heart
ʜɪɢʜ ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ 🐉
yes I have seen alphiswole and aligains..
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alas they're not on my DC
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but i appreciate the hell out of the Scions of the Seventh Gym
ʜɪɢʜ ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ 🐉
they are a true gift
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i have him at Hugs atm and that'll be a fun canon update
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i just finished ShB finally so XD
ʜɪɢʜ ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ 🐉
OH CONGRATS shb has been So Good
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he's from end of SB so he's going to be very uh... troubled....
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for a few reasons LOL
ʜɪɢʜ ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ 🐉
yeah things are troubling..
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ShB made me pick up yet another catte cries
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It's time to go through teenage rebellion rofl
Luna is a sweetie. I still owe you tags at some point because I sort of went on Hiatus this summer
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aw ty <3
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No hurries!
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Life sucks and we've resurrected a 3 year old psl. i dont mind waiting rofl
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🍉 catipede Hello~ I actually thought about sending a friend request before but didn't know if that would be weird
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🍉 catipede
it's completely fine! the only reason i didnt is you didnt list your age ahah
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Oh aha I'm 29 rofl
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Im getting old
🍉 catipede
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫ : you are okay its okay
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It was fun talking about stuff and watching you draw :3
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and you know about a little bit of GE so that's nice