still struggling to sort out the various financial problems.
telephoned Equiniti to try and sort out the Royal Mail share dividend cheque which was sent to me this far into the pandemic instead of going directly into my bank account as requested by paper form. Allegedly a real person has now sorted it but that remains to be seen.
meanwhile I'm still locked in combat with Leeds Building Society who are insisting I fill in another form but they haven't sent me the email they said they were going to send. So I've had to email a reply to the previous complaint email response.
they eventually sent me the email but all it was was a load of junk pretending to be an attachment which was itself an HTML file which opened the wrong browser and, after being transferred, seemed to want me to create a completely new account in order to open a "secure" message. This is not the replacement form I was promised.
perhaps have to re-edit and print the first defective form and send it off by snail mail yet again. It's astonishing how utterly hopeless all these financial companies have now become compared with the olden days.
somewhat weirdly had another message from Leeds BS claiming that my ISA xfer is complete - despite the phoneline person saying I needed to send them another form.
continuing with the current edit to the form anyway just in case.