THE STUFF WITH SUDOU BEING...ISEKAI'D? INTO HER BODY? seems unnecessary and more like 'shit we need an excuse to amnesia her but have a way for her not to just berserk and kill everyone uuuuh TEENAGE BOY IN YOUR BODY OKAY GO'
i'm kinda hand waggle on the WAR!! WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR!!! because I'm just not interested in war stuff but shut hell and the teen sort of, living in her body??? and the art are enough to keep me engaged so far
there were some inconsistencies that made me ???? cuz so much of the story is rooted in realism and then it's like [WELL WE'RE NOT GONNA EXPLAIN THIS JUST ROLL WITH IT] wheeze
HBOMax said yes to main character on screen murder but no to on screen gay kiss and I remain mad about it but we all know they made out when they got home
yeah it was like Tulip: got a little roughed up, missing reflection, no body count Lake: definitely did a couple murders but in self-defense, Jesse clearly improved Grace: ...a serial killer of denizens who knows what she'll do when she gets out jeez this show is getting dark, wait-- Min-Gi and Ryan: useless dorks who just need to kiss
I am glad you liked it tho, I thought it was very "made for Ash" and I'm 3 eps into Beastars before I can put thoughts together beyond my endless confusion at the world building
Tulip: got a little roughed up, missing reflection, no body count
Lake: definitely did a couple murders but in self-defense, Jesse clearly improved
Grace: ...a serial killer of denizens who knows what she'll do when she gets out jeez this show is getting dark, wait--
Min-Gi and Ryan: useless dorks who just need to kiss