i dreamed a lot of things but what i remember is being on a higher floor of some kind of building with mama? there were kids in there so i think the floor we were on was some sort of kids' facility
mama handed me some kinda card and after messing with it a bit i realized if i held it up to look through it would show the same building but with cute painted walls and more kid-friendly furniture, so i guess that's what the place was going to look like in the future?
a little boy was following me so i let him play with it while i...don't remember what i was doing but anyway somehow or other this all culminated in both of us falling out of the building but only i managed to catch hold of something and save myself
then i think i ended up riding some sort of giant cerberus-type creature? and pointed it at the right shoulder of a creature in the distance which was so large its head extended past the clouds
i had reason for choosing the right shoulder specifically but all i remember is that i thought the left was more dangerous somehow
anyway so we flew up there and discovered that the beast statues perched on the creature's shoulders weren't inanimate after all, but then someone (an enemy?) came floating towards us so my ride posed like another gargoyle and i hurriedly hid in...what was it, a building?
there was an old lady in this double row of seats like in a car, and we chatted a tiny bit and the implication was that she was my grandma? she was proud of whatever the heck i was doing, and got me to duck down when the stranger approached
the stranger turned out to be a middle-aged woman dressed in a nightgown who knew perfectly well i was there but let me keep hiding until she was done chatting with grandma, after which she said something friendly to me that i don't remember
then i woke up and fell asleep again and this time i was walking through a place with nice paved paths and a nicely manicured lawn with a big shady tree, only the path kept moving, revealing the dirt beneath
when i tried entering the building i realized literally every single woman there was wearing fancy dresses with their hair put up in incredibly fancy braided hairdos under sheer veils that extended down their backs like in medieval movies, but all i had was a towel to wrap my head in
my companion whose face i forget told me to do it anyway so i did, but i wrapped myself in such a way it ended up looking like i was wearing a blue burka? which was really awkward so i stepped out of the building and freed my arms from whatever the heck i'd done and kept walking down the path
just outside was a sign with two black guys dressed like 1800's country gentlemen arguing over its contents, but i looked and couldn't figure out what there was to argue about a sign that was basically "this guy jumped so many feet on this date"
there was a whole crowd too, probably waiting for it to turn into a real fight or maybe a jump contest
i feel like i did something else at this point but all i remember is later on coming across my car and getting in and driving but my companion was in the car behind me and he knew where we were going while i didn't
so i blindly drove from the road to a dirt construction road lined with cones and kept following that until i found a space to back into beneath the shade of a construction truck and turned to the guy in his white car like where are we going???
then my alarm went off