
writing stuff
Have been spending more time on reading recently and realized that I have problems writing characters (protagonists, mostly) who express themselves freely. Especially to people close to them.
I just realized that I’ve always regarded expressing emotions as showing weakness, something that young people do and more or less equals immaturity. It's hard for me to say that I love you or I need you (yeah I’m even confessing this in English).
And it shows in my stories. Talking about sex is easy, love? not really. And instead of crying, they always hold back their tears.
This also reminds me of my failed attempts to fix things. The only few times I spoke my mind all resulted in consequences that somehow managed to destroy me.
I remember one time I was so devastated that I actually let my friend know how devastated I was. He came to see me that day after work, from really far away, but I was too afraid to tell him what was bothering me. I ended up saying nothing. and I could tell that he's hurt.
Another time like this I was in a friend’s bedroom. It was a short break before dinner and I was lying there with her laying her head on my stomach. I thought I was really happy to be there but stopped myself from saying that.
They’re all friends from many years ago. How funny that looking back now, I guess I’d still do the same.
It happens every once in a while, anyway.

I value those kinds of qualities. I still do. I like people who are silent, tough, and restrained.

But wouldn’t it be nice to write, like, a dog person…? Guess I can at least give it a try.
To write someone who loves recklessly. Someone who, instead of leaving, stays.