colorful bunch
[meme] shippy/smutty/s-word of some form sunday
colorful bunch
come at meeeeee
Well obs I want Mobius/Sylvie shit but it’s in progress
Gentle reminder of our smut thread though I'm slow as dirt overall lol
Is dirt even slow
colorful bunch
it is in my tabs somewhere o7
colorful bunch
but we can talk about smutty things otherwise /fingerguns
𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗇 💜
s-word of some sort: s'mores. opinions of them. go.
colorful bunch
like yes yes. talk to me. about sylvius and lokius and sylkius
colorful bunch
𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗇 💜 : delicious to eat, kind of a pain to make
colorful bunch
I have absolutely set marshmallows on fire before
colorful bunch
I love s'mores poptarts actually that's how I get my s'more fix
Ngl he's going to be inappropriately aroused if Sylvie tackles Mobius
colorful bunch
GARBAGE DAY : I mean. hot tho.
𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗇 💜
yes good pop tart s'mores are delicious
not a bumblebee
i hope that someday we can do something again!
𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗇 💜
and who hasn't at some point set a marshmallow on fire
colorful bunch
not a bumblebee : I do feel bad about dropping the ball entirely about ryslig there, but we def should do meme threads again someday when I'm feeling the stony lad
colorful bunch
poppin tarts good. I tried some new peach cobbler ones and unfortunately they're real like. fake peach taste. ew.
not a bumblebee
no worries, shit happens, i'll be around whenever you need me (fingerguns)
railway crab
/reaches for.
𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗇 💜
oh no fake peaches
𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗇 💜
the audacity
Loki: oh no I’m into this
colorful bunch
railway crab : grabby handsss
railway crab
/finger gunnnnnnnns.
colorful bunch
idk what we should do but we should do more things more. things. somewhere. god no time to die is coming and that'll be.............something!
railway crab
idk what to do either! but I want it.
railway crab
𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗇 💜
also yes on the doing things
colorful bunch
𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗇 💜 : atem is also in the tabs Somewhere I just...have not...felt kaiba much and also life became Oh I Suddenly Have A New Job plus also I've been doing a lot of last minute long times of social stuff
colorful bunch
(I've left a pegasus on read for longer than I want to admit bc I'm excited it's some darkass psl stuff)
bote lalin✨
/waves a ship flag
colorful bunch
bote lalin✨ : grips hands for ship sailing
bote lalin✨
I'm halfway through this reponse to your starter and just like "loki can you not be an incessant annoyance with the man you'd like to move in with you absolute idiot" so clearly that topic will need to be revisited in this soon to become h/c thread
who hasn't set marshmallows on fire tho
wow thanks for hiding things from me plurk lol
colorful bunch
is loki a loki if he isn't an incessant annoyance??
colorful bunch
marshed mallows are easy to catch aflame
so you're saying Mobius is a masochist
good to know /makes note
colorful bunch
he puts up with loki. I feel like that's implied-
true true but confirmation's always good
for posterity
colorful bunch
bote lalin✨ : haaaa they can revisit it while there is blood everywhere, you know, to distract from the blood!
colorful bunch
GARBAGE DAY : listen. listen. some pain in the pleasure is fine.
colorful bunch
Vαɾιαɳƚ : I'm sure neither of the others will feel anything at all, definitely not hot for anyone else!!!!
𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗇 💜
hours later but no worries! i know how it goes with not feeling certain characters and new job anxieties so it's all good if you're not up for stuff
colorful bunch : Mobius trying not to think about what sylvie feels like on top of him that night LOL
Same here no worries if you aren't feeling our thread anymore just lmk