The Raƶe
[The Whole Plate]

Video games
Darkest Dungeon [PC; 2016]

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The Raƶe
Sure did lose another unit due to my own stupidity.

It's cool, though; with every failure, comes inspiration and improvement… when it isn't being caused by horrendous RNG, I mean.
The Raƶe
Momentous occasion: I ran into the Thing from the Stars early in one of my runs. It wrecked my face hard, and caused everyone to hit Resolve checks… of which two of my units decided that they had enough of the abyss laughing at them, and decided to fling a light into the darkness.
The Raƶe
Somehow, I managed to defeat the Thing without anyone getting a heart attack… but that also meant that all of my units were stressed the fuck out, and I hadn't even begun the mission in earnest.

When I say, "I ran into the Thing from the Stars" early, I really meant *in the very first hallway.
The Raƶe
Did I mention that I had a Shieldbreaker in my party? Because I had a Shieldbreaker in my party.
The Raƶe
Okay, to explain all of this, because I just realized that most people aren't as familiar with Darkest Dungeon as I am:

The Thing from the Stars is a roaming boss that can appear in certain locales during your expeditions. However, its marked with a notification before you goes on your trek, informing you, "Hey, here be boss that will stress you out!"
The Raƶe
So, if you run into the Thing, then it's really your own fault, because the game warned you in advance.
The Raƶe
"Okay," you may be wondering to yourself, "but what's the deal with the Shieldbreaker being in my party?"

In medium and long expeditions, your party is given firewood in order to rest. During this moment, you can spend Respite in order to heal Stress, HP, buff your damage, and more.
The Raƶe
During this resting period, your party has a chance of being ambushed while they rest, but there's also certain characters that can prevent this, allowing for everyone to rest unmolested.
The Raƶe
The Shieldbreaker, however, has a special variant of these nighttime ambushes that cannot be prevented. She has a phobia of snakes due to her past… so when you rest with a Shieldbreaker in your party, she has nightmares so hard, that she hallucinates the entire party fighting these vicious things.
The Raƶe
Fortunately, they cannot kill her, but the nightmare ends once she hits zero HP. (In Darkest Dungeon, zero HP isn't the end; it just places you on Death's Door. The next hit after that can kill you though, if you get unlucky.)
The Raƶe
If you conquer the nightmare (i.e. kill the snakes), then they don't bother you until you progress further in levels with the Shieldbreaker. If you manage to defeat all of them, then she isn't troubled with them anymore, and I believe she obtains special Trinkets to equip.
The Raƶe
Back to my expedition: I had just finished fighting the Thing from the Stars, and all of my party was stressed out. Two of my units fortunately had Positive Resolve Checks—one being the Shieldbreaker, thank fuck—but I knew that in order to regain my HP, I would have rest… which meant having to deal with a nightmare. Lovely.
The Raƶe
"So, how did it go?"

I somehow managed to win with my back against the wall. I realized later that my Shieldbreaker has lost her Virtue, which meant that if she had an Affliction instead (i.e. a bad Resolve Check, as opposed to a positive one), then I would have lost the fight.
The Raƶe
Thank goodness that I put that Trinket on her that gave her a greater chance to be granted a Virtue instead.