The Settlement Class includes all persons in the United States (including its states, districts or territories) who purchased a WD Red NAS Drive using Shingled Magnetic Recording (“SMR”) technology between October 2018 and July 21, 2021
Seagate 創辦人 Alan Shugart、共同創辦人 Finis Conner (後來又獨立出 Conner)、Maxtor 三名創辦人 James McCoy, Jack Swartz, Raymond Niedzwiecki 全部都是 IBM 出身 WD 是在拿到 PC/AT 的磁碟控制器合約後才正式走進儲存市場 HGST 繼承 IBM 就更晚了,大家應該都還記得 儲存大廠中大概只有 Quantum 與 Toshiba 跟 IBM 的關係遠一點
How do I know if I am part of the Settlement Class?
The Settlement Class includes all persons in the United States (including its states, districts or territories) who purchased a WD Red NAS Drive using Shingled Magnetic Recording (“SMR”) technology between October 2018 and July 21, 2021
萬佛朝宗IBMWD 是在拿到 PC/AT 的磁碟控制器合約後才正式走進儲存市場
HGST 繼承 IBM 就更晚了,大家應該都還記得
儲存大廠中大概只有 Quantum 與 Toshiba 跟 IBM 的關係遠一點