So - I'm at that point where over all the cat seems good. We comb him and we're not even getting the black dander anymore. He's still itching a little but if his bites are anything like mine, well, I can't blame him for itching.
So 10/10 for the latest shampoo we got for him because it has killed them mightily
It's also a preventative so it's supposed to keep them off him for the next seven days to keep him clean.
Mom and I are also going to hit the store on Saturday so we can pick up the stuff you put on the back of their necks and it's supposed to keep him safe for like, the month - and I might invest in that every month because I never want to go through this again
I'm at the point also where I'm scratching myself raw.
Chigger/flea liquid sealer isn't helping past a half hour or so.
the "No Bite Me" stuff that's supposed to sooth the bites isn't helping - it does seem to be helping keep them off me though.
The new spray came in and the first thing I did was spray my bed down and the floor where I kept getting the worst of the fleas latching onto me
I can officially walk through there wtih no fleas on me
I sprayed the entire second floor with the stuff once we came down for dinner - because you're not supposed to walk on it or have skin contact with it while it dries
my foot felt like I'd set it on fire for a minute.
But the second floor SEEMS crosses fingers to be flea free.
Tomorrow we're gonna do the first floor and basement
the key is the cat - because we have to keep him out of the sprayed area until it's dry and safe
cherastin is a great flea treatment, the back of the neck ones
againstme: Thanks! I'll look into that one. I want to ensure I don't have to put him through this again, or myself.
I'm jumping at every brush of air against my leg thinking it's a flea. Or getting phantom pain pricks like thinking it's a bite but when I look down there's nothing there.
๐‘œ ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘—๐‘’๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘ฆ ๐‘š๐‘–๐‘›๐‘’
the monthly stuff is generally worth it for peace of mind if nothing else. I forgot what our usual brand was. I've been bad and keep forgetting to get stuff for my cat since any potential flea season is so short up here (vs Georgia where it's like 9 months out of the year)
๐‘œ ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘—๐‘’๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘ฆ ๐‘š๐‘–๐‘›๐‘’
the phantom feeling can take a while to go away, hopefully yours does quickly
Short flea season doesnโ€™t help for the remembering, yeah. I donโ€™t even know how long our flea season is up here.
And hopefully goodbye phantom stuff soon. The upstairs where the bedrooms are - we havenโ€™t seen any living menace since I sprayed EVERYWHERE. So just need to do the other two levels of the house.