By order of the PHO, proof of vaccination will be required to access some events, services and businesses. Starting September 13, you must have at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. By October 24, you must be fully vaccinated.
The requirement applies to all people born in 2009 or earlier (12+) and covers:
- Indoor and outdoor dining at restaurants, pubs and bars - Gyms, pools and recreation facilities - Indoor organized gatherings like weddings, parties, conferences, meetings and workshops
- Indoor organized group recreational classes and activities - Post-secondary on-campus student housing. Note: Students must be partially vaccinated by September 7
- Indoor and outdoor dining at restaurants, pubs and bars
- Gyms, pools and recreation facilities
- Indoor organized gatherings like weddings, parties, conferences, meetings and workshops
- Post-secondary on-campus student housing. Note: Students must be partially vaccinated by September 7