saku š
"possible solid ovarian lesion" Okay now im freaking out that I'm going to go the way my sister did
easy snake oven
But it sounds like they think it's more likely a cyst?
saku š
yeah but my brain
saku š
I get a ptsdlike reaction anytime something related to cancer is even slightly mentioned because I've lost so many people to traumatic, dramatic ways of going from it
Adam Ruzek
/hugs. I totally understand why your brain goes there but try not to panic.
saku š
it doesn't help that doctors keep trying to put the fear of cancer in me "You're going to get it down the line" thanks
saku š
yeah I'm trying
Adam Ruzek
saku š
: Yeah. I've heard that too. Doctors need to do better.
saku š
they really do
Leanne No
saku š
i'm concerned because i looked at my ultrasound from the 19th and it was much smaller, do cysts actually grow super fast
easy snake oven
Google says yes
saku š
saku š
saku š
I won't worry then XD
saku š
Unless it gets to four cm because they told me that's when it risks ovarian torsion