a girl in love
[heartrate] I’m not swapping my signup again but can I just say I can’t believe the ONE TIME I am in a game with a BEVY of hot horrible moms I am not playing ANY of my horrible older womanfucker ocs made explicitly for me to project my horrible older women fetish onto
a girl in love
this is injustice. I am oppressed
happy noah year
God of Brats
you cant just make au ibara into hot moms?
a girl in love
God of Brats
: his boyfriend is HIYORI
God of Brats
are you implying that Hiyori isn't a mother in nechronstars setting
God of Brats
hiyori is kinda like a hot mom
a girl in love
I guess he was also kind of into Shu who does have older woman energy.
a girl in love
: just because he is technically biologically a mother doesn’t mean he has a bad mom APPEAL
that's true. only his fans in the nechronstars verse think he has that appeal.
a girl in love
if having offspring was all it took there would so many Fire Emblem characters I’d have to call milfs who don’t deserve it
God of Brats
>he is technically biologically a mother
God of Brats
nechrenstars sure is a thing huh
probably not the way you're imagining.
God of Brats
God of Brats
im not sure what to imagine
a girl in love
Ibara and Hiyori had like a few thousand kids out of wedlock
a girl in love
and also Jun. I think Ibara was also responsible for those though maybe I got the timeline wonky now
God of Brats
God of Brats
im so lost
Ibara was responsible for Jun's kids but then later Nagisa(?)
since the Ren type dollmaking got spread to the paradise faction
though it was originally Ibara's
I can tell you this because I'm writing up the keyboard cats plot doc and frantically trying to remember everything