That’s nuts. Pretty sure that there’s no hydroxychloroquine produced in this process (don’t know about “hydroxychlorochine”, or even what that is). Looks like they’re making a citrus honey cough remedy.
Also, even if you could extract quinine at home, (1) it’s not the same thing as hydroxychloroquine, which is NOT made from quinine, and (2) quinine is a very dangerous drug.
: Yes, it is dangerous, but consider that the people who read and follow stupid things like this “recipe” have their heads so far up their dogmatic asses that they would rather risk their own health (on top of the risks already taken and spread among those they are around) than take a FREE, effective remedy, because democrats are involved in it.
I don't worry so much about people doing this themselves as I do the people giving it to their kids instead of actual medicine. Also, in this particular case, the stuff they're making isn't actually dangerous, it's just not going to cure COVID.