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Eggs: I really like poached eggs, even though I canโ€™t make them myself. But I love eggs benedict, so yeah
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In all seriousness, I tend to range between medium rare and medium. I enjoy having that pink center without being entirely rare
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Milk: Chocolate milk has been a longtime favorite, but I also really love strawberry milk so Iโ€™m including it too lol
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Alcohol: This is a bit difficult, because a lot of it depends on my mood. I tend to enjoy dessert wines, or sweet cocktails, but I also like bourbon and tend to drink those neat, though I also enjoy some highballs. It really varies depending on what I feel like having
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Warm drink: This also really depends, because I love different kinds of tea. But one of my favorite comforts is peppermint tea with honey
Oop, that was supposed to go on my plurk, but WARM FRESH CIDER!
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/snickers/ I figured, but itโ€™s still true XD