From now on, let's just reboot the Suicide Squad every five years
that'll be the sub-franchise
every five years, we pretend there has never been a suicide squad movie
and they make another first one
honestly it's what the suicide squad deserves
oh i'm scary
I will say, like
oh i'm scary
watching TSS you can see what it's going for and it's probably the best move if you've been tasked with fixing the franchise but it still has hilarious implications for the franchise
I honestly have nothing for OR against the reboot on actual merits, I hear it's fine and I don't plan to see it
I just think it would be funny to keep doing this
oh i'm scary
because like you can probably call it a sequel, it's just
oh i'm scary
a sequel that completely ignores the first movie aside from Harley Quinn and Rick Flagg existing
yeah i'm entirely in the same camp as quinn
oh i'm scary
it would
oh i'm scary
and Amanda Waller
oh i'm scary
I forgot her
oh i'm scary
it's just
oh i'm scary
those three and Slightly Captain Boomerang are there and that implies the first movie happened but there is NO other connective tissue
oh i'm scary
without technically being a reboot the vibe is very much
oh i'm scary
oh i'm scary
"that one didn't count"
Jack Raid
Reboot it like Quinn said but each time Captain Boomerang is just alive again
of course Captain Boomerang keeps coming back, that's his gimmick
(it's a helmet)
...a bit of dark humor but if the Suicide Squad franchise keeps killing itself off to start anew, is that just being true to name