colorful bunch
[mcu] and now finally I'm putting avengers on
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before time began, there was The Cube- wait
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yeah we saw that loki themed outfit even if you didn't show us he face we saw that OH.......THEME FEELS.....
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avengers just has such a really good iconic theme
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hi coulson
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heheh phase 2 prototypes
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hi asshole
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just the progression of loki's hair to- jesus joker face hi - long and curly now proceeds
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bullets don't do SHIT to him which is. alarming! actually!
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and here's my fucking shit. mind control nightmare shit my fucking jam. there's a reason I once upon a time started trying to write frosthawk
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jesus loki babe have you ever slept in several years
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also given this is the whole start of the glorious purpose thing d oyou think it was thanos that gave him that purpose
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coulson coulson coulson
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weird that uhhhh d+ didn't give any of the russian subtitles but I mean
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it's alway sfunny to me how it's always always apparent when it's a stund double and not scarlet bc the arms and legs are much beefier
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like 'crush my head in your thighs' beefy
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bless bruce bless mark ruffalo
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like the genuine fear nat has
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so why was the avengers initiative shut down, when did that happen. was it perhaps in a short, or is that just new infor that doesn't get--HI AMERICA'S ASS- explained
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life model decoy
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his first name is agent I'm love
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oh......the cellist.............I remember what happened to the cellist...and I'm...sad
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and then fanboy phil god. bless. his face.
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quinjet oh bless I've missed you
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paused for a mo
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and by a mo I mean paused for half an hour whoops
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this is much worse god bless god I mean I can imagine ed norton doing this but like...even in the hulk movie he didn't really have much. charisma? is not a word I associate with bruce banner but I feel like you know what I mean
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oh this germany infiltration sequence is gorgeous with the music
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I just need to remind everyone this is the loki that movius has to deal with, this isn't dark world, this isn't ragnarok loki, it's this wild fuckhead
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I have so many questions about thanos and loki and the mind stone and the tesseract
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so, bff has been a frostiron fan since forever, I feel like that's a ship I won't ever actually get beyond pretty men--EYYYY THOR
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NOT...ENTIRELY SURE HOW YOU GOT HERE but heimdall did suggest there are other ways to go between realms beyond the bifrost
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'there's only one god, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that' look...look I get it I really really do, but also. oh joss. really.
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ah dark energy okay
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loki literally just chilling watching the girls fiiiighting
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this fight is already so much longer than I remember
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this is a good loki outfit. the ragnarok one...not so good no. look at this bitch just smirking at bruce!
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ah yes the early 2010's of Put Villain In Glass Box
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unlimited power, unlimited rice pudding etc etc
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oh man. delightful. gosh. gosh I forgot how into science bros I am. good good
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I also ship ironstrange
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but we'll get there when we get there
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it's good, it's good to pit steve between - okay I have to pause again just bc I really just want to think about my words for a second
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catfa does do right by steve by making him the all american good boy soldier everyman from brooklyn but also be perfectly willing to disobey direct orders when he thinks there's a better option
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so this is good shit to pit him and his ideals against people who are more willing to actively openly suggest something a little less on the level is about, because it does speak to him
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it's enough for him to want to fight it on the surface but to do the behind the scene digging bc the idea festers and that's good shit
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(hey also spoilers I don't ship stony in the mcu, but I do ship comics stony. it's not for lack of trying, but they are just both filled with such genuine animosity toward each others and their opposing ideals that the movies do not do any good job of trying to rectify. I still love the dynamic bc it's a GOOD DYNAMIC to have just. ships better comics)
colorful bunch
.......oh I see I got tagged in things on plurk and-
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oh jesus holy fuckshit this iwll have to remain paused for a second?????????????
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jesus okay okay okay. I'm. coming back now. I still have AN HOUR AND A HALF TO GO. i've got a glass of juice i have a snakk let's do this
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how much of what loki brings up about nat's past comes up in BW I want to know
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god the arguing and the heartbeat in the background
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bruce's casual admitting that he's def tried suicide, i'm feels
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I was writing about clint while he was running around being ronin and still hearing loki in his head suggesting things and being completely unertain whether it's just Residual Trauma or if somehow loki's actually been there biding his time all along
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I know that's endgame-y stuff but that's the absolutely befuckened shit I love
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I have said before that lokis are dumb as shit and I stand by that. he's a smart cookie and the most clever person in the room but also he's dumb. you can be very smart but ostly clever and also be fully completely dumbass
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yesssss the clint-nat fight is SO good
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I really should watch all the shorts too
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idek if they're even on d+ but I'm sure I can find them on youtube
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god coulson softened him up for mobius huh
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can you ever fucking believe they managed to make coulson the glue of the avengers bc he was in everyone's fucking movie aside from hulk
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and thankfully banner/hulk doesn't really need coulson as a motive
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like not only that they did it but that it WORKED both from an in universe for these characters perspective and an ooc perspective for us the viewers
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gonna pause again just bc I gotta feed the kitty
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right right coulson wasn't in cap either obvs but. so like three movies then and a couple of shorts and that was enough. I never actually watched them all I think I only saw a couple
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huh was it really only two! I genuinely thought there were more (that he was in)
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anyway triple impressed now for that
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loki's a diva
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performance issues bless
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tony standing on the mobile iron man suiting platform and my immediate reaction was don't stand where he stood
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loki's eyes looked really tremendously green in that closeup
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I know I haven't seen BW yet but I have gotten the distinct impression that budapest--oh hey danny sousa! I don't remember his actor's name, but he tends to be in whedon stuff and he's very good
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I got the impression budapest isn't fucking in that movie which if so if it's still a noodle incident then fuck off what's even the point
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man sometimes you JUST gotta rule of cool shit up and it works
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the pan around the city to see what everyone's doing apart and together real good
BW doesn't straight-up show Budapest, but it still very much factors into the movie
you get to find out the details, and it definitely has bearing on the events occurring in the movie
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thank god
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I just know he's Sir Not Appearing In This Movie so
(BW did not make the most sense of all the Marvel movies but good goddamn I loved it quite a bit)
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I'm still cackling at loki thinking he's hot shit grabbing the arrow and it exploding in his fuckin face
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once again it's absolutely chocking how much the show made me care about him as a character. STILL FIND IT SUPER FASCINATING HOW THE SHOW LOKI IS THIS LOKI, IT'S AVENGERS LOKI
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'I got a nuke coming' please imagine steve having a moment of 'a what?' I know he was catching up on history and all that he'd know but still
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hey tony you know you could've probably let go of that thing long before then
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you didn' traumatize yourself like this...tony
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I mean I guess if he wanted to make damn sure the aim of the missile was going to hit that command ship
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remember how popular shawarma got after tony's line
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it was such a niche thing (depending where you lived) and then it was Everywhere
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the fucking muzzle. clint's fucking smirk after whatever the fuck nat said to him
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cience bros in the fancy car
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god the theme is not a complex piece of music but it's SO good
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I've been a little achy all day so I won't be starting phase 2, at least I don't think so, but
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kickies leggies the A tower
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remember when heheh loki coulson and hill's names all appearing over hawkeye's sequence good good
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look jeremy renner might be a dumbass and kind of a shit person but god damn I'm just about hawkeye okay. (AND I LIKE SOME OF HIS SONGS OKAY SHUT UP WHATEVER)
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hi josh brolin with mega cgi face
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dang I did not remember this song as the credits
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god and the first episode of What If drops tomorrow
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captain carter....................MA'AM......