theory: what if the reason they're taking their time working on the rumored mercenary-centric tv show for the riddick franchise is because they're waiting for nick chinlund, actor for toombs and predominantly a tv actor, to be old enough to make a return as toombs, old, retired from hunting ppl down, teaching young fresh faced mercs how to survive
i said this to ladyvincira yesterday but me re: Alan at : "do not give this man a child." me, staring at the rat bag that is toombs: "make this man a dad"
he has the personality of a 17yo boy who has watched too much rick and morty so clearly he is a responsible adult (he actually is because of his line of work but also. asshole man)
i still believe that he's alive because he's too much of a roach manme, staring at the rat bag that is toombs: "make this man a dad"