Son of a Witch
Got my second jab
Son of a Witch
I'm proud of you
Son of a Witch
we tried to go yesterday and they said come back today.
we come back today and we're like hey, we'd like pfsiser please, because it said online they had all of them.
and his guy wanders away.
other ppl are asking and eventually we hear the other ppl being told there is no more pfsiser today.
And the man wanders back and repeats that
Son of a Witch
and he just sort of stares at us, so we're you have moderna?
and he points to go join the other line of ppl asking
eventually we get forms to fill out.
and as we do EVERY person that shows up to ask about pfizer sets of this chain of all the pharmacists asking each other if they have pfizer, like this hasn't been established
Son of a Witch
they tell us to go sit in this waiting area that has no social distancing apart from what we've all tried to do. I tried to leave the seats for elderly ppl but eventually my knee hurt and i had to sit. about half an hour went by before they called anyone. and then maybe ten minutes, another ten. and then finally they seemed to have figured things out
YIKES! glad you got it though!
Son of a Witch
they did Bear and I back to back, and asked why we were getting moderna for our second dose instead of pfizer, and we were like...because you said you were out????

and then on the way home i dropped my little sticker recipts. I have my email ones, but maaaan. what a day.

all told took about 2- 2.5 hrs of waiting, i know other ppl have it worse
Son of a Witch
and the lady actually giving the shots was trying her best, it must have been very stressful
Son of a Witch
Son of a Witch
update- bad fever. won't be around much <3
𝔸𝕝𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕥 𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕣
Feel better soon!!
Take it easy, it knocked me flat for about 3 days. Don't feel guilty for just taking time to recover
Son of a Witch
<3 <3 <3 ilu all