Year of the Cat
Alright, tagging into stuff, and getting some tags done in general!
Year of the Cat
Also, take your bets now: how long will Charlie survive his first conversation in Trench with Maul before having to flee in terror?
Five minutes.
2 minutes
Year of the Cat
On the plus side, he's still cursed, so Maul can't actually kill him. But to quote Jafar, "You'd be surprised what you can live through."
I feel like is actually a Maul quote too
Toasty Mallow
Maul and Usagi need to reunite
Year of the Cat
: Ohhhhhh definitely. It's to the pain with this one.
Year of the Cat
Toasty Mallow
: Poor little mute husband and wife. I was thinking of having him be alarmed she's about to cut off all that hair. His memories are a bit fuzzy so he's basically differentiating between people with "those I like" and "those I want to murder."
Toasty Mallow
I think it's so cute they're both super mute rn
Year of the Cat
Maul's just relying on the fact he looks absolutely terrifying to convey to everyone what he's feeling right now. Which is mostly rage.
Toasty Mallow
Usagi sees him and just tackles him in a hug