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[Nier: Reincarnation] drop your friend codes here!
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ofc I named myself after my girl
I şĥĩp ĩţ
also if there's an emoji for this, I'd like to have it. Or a Nier one in general? I have the Automata one
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I şĥĩp ĩţ
in case anyone wants it
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I'm higher player level than that now lol
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So when I'm farming stuff I figured out that you can turn off the sound effects and the voices and just listen to the music
I şĥĩp ĩţ
it's nice
jingle bees
623 253 641 043, should show up as "DC" with 9S as my main \o/
jingle bees
and there's this emoji i guess?
jingle bees
actually i haven't logged in yet today so i'll get on there and add you
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I şĥĩp ĩţ
any idea if we will be able to use friend buddies in battle eventually? Or what they're for? Why do you set a person as your profile?
jingle bees
there was a "set a character as your favorite" mission, so I think it's just showing off your favorite
you can "send support" from the friends list but I'm not sure what it actually does
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it gives you stamina
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if you send support/receive support
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btw if you haven't done it yet
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tap on mama 100x on the cage screen and you get 3k gems
jingle bees
oh nice