Son of a Witch
Son of a Witch
So I'm going to college in the fall (online it looks like for now), and all summer I have been trying to apply for accessible learning services to see if they can help me. I've never used them before for the metal health issues, but with how the Fibro can take me out, I think I need them.

And this damn intake form, omg
Son of a Witch
it's a simple form. I don't know if I'm just cursed, or THAT bad at tech, but it can only be edited in Microsoft word, which I don't have a sub for. I think they WANT you to print it out and physically write on it and scan it, and then submit it to them, which....just seems like the least accessible way an accessible program could do things
Son of a Witch
i don't have a printer or scanner, and i can't open the stupid thing, and with my avoidant mental health stuff it has been moooonths of me trying to open this form other ways and giving up for a block of time, lol
Son of a Witch
it's probably like 90% me, but i still think it's a silly way to offer disability services
If you need an assist with Word, gimme a shout
Son of a Witch
THE ASSET : <3 I think I can open it on Bear's computer, but if that doesn't work, I will shout
LIbreOffice Writer should be able to open it. Download LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free Office Sui...