i dreamed i was a girl in a maid outfit who had no idea what my new job was supposed to be because we were at some sort of outdoor area, not at a manor house (or were we?)
some wandering led me down a hallway to what looked like my parents' bathroom, only instead of parents i found ms laforce in there? i don't remember exactly what we talked about but there was something about collecting coins and how there were so many coins/so few people that we didn't need to worry at all on that front
after that chat my wandering brought me to an unmanned tent (i could no longer tell if we were outside or inside) so i climbed in and immediately a little girl and her minder came in to get their fortunes told
i busied myself trying to find the instructions while the little girl helped spread out the board(?) i'd given her with a dragon orb on a tiny pedestal
i think it managed to light? the girl got distracted by other things before i ever figured out the instructions though, so i got out to wander some more and almost immediately ran into my brother, who looked like rasputin and may actually have been shang qinghua
apparently he was stuck babysitting this kid who was literally a near full-size silverback gorilla
we went over the history of his character and he was supposed to be a villain with a real bad end so he had to get this babysitting job right in hopes that helped
we played some games with the gorilla boy and got him some snacks and he was surprisingly well-behaved and also spoke english with the voice and grammar of a fifth grader
we'd only just convinced him to lay down for a nap when mama showed up? i'd invented a secret move where i patted him on this spot near his shoulder and said "ape" and that got him to lie down to sleep (even if he wasn't necessarily sleeping)
when mama showed up we shushed her, which did nothing, and then i got her some kinda fancy vegetable smoothie drink out of the glass-doored fridge i don't remember being there before and that was somehow pretty interesting
at some point i declared i wanted to settle down somewhere up among forested mountains or something, while looking out from our current spot to see we were hanging out on a protrusion above an infinite misty sea of trees
there was tea involved at some point but that's all i remember