Based on some great feedback, we will be including a timeline with dates/date ranges for all mod-run events moving forward. We have updated the OOC and IC Event posts with this information, and it is included within for easy reference. Please continue to let us know if there are any improvements we can make as we get things off the ground!
➥ Breaking It In: 21 July ➥ Move the Goalposts: 23-24 July ➥ Curveball: 23-24 July ➥ Below the Belt: 24 July (night) ➥ Sticky Wicket: 21 July - 5 August
➥ Move the Goalposts: 23-24 July
➥ Curveball: 23-24 July
➥ Below the Belt: 24 July (night)
➥ Sticky Wicket: 21 July - 5 August