Cute Quinn
I generally prefer to side with the customer service people over the customers who are complaining about them, but here's some life advice
Cute Quinn
If you have a customer on the phone who your company has accidentally stolen money from
Cute Quinn
do not say, as a funny joke, that it will take 2 years to get your money back
❆ despairmas
ohhhh YIKES
Niamh Vibes
Cute Quinn
that joke isn't as funny as you think!!
the grink
That joke is about as funny as "oh it has no price tag IT MUST BE FREE" by which I mean fuck literally anyone who says it
Cute Quinn
at least the "it must be free" is coming from someone who hasn't, presumably, undergone TRAINING for their JOB
the grink
That is a very good point
Princess Emily think they had training?
Cute Quinn
is it unusual for people who get jobs to be informed how to do them
Cute Quinn
it's happened to me every time
A Grinning DM
I was about to say, it’s been about 20 years since I had a customer service job, but my own training was very thin
A Grinning DM
I watched a 20 min video tape and then they threw me to the wolves
Princess Emily
I've definitely never been trained in how to deal with customer service issues and I'm a supervisor
Cute Quinn
did you go on to joke with audibly angry customers about how their problems are unsolvable
Princess Emily
no that's still dumb
A Grinning DM : You got a video?? I just got a PDF that told me where to find the fire exits and how big a horse has to be before it can't qualify as a service animal.
(Answer: any larger than "small" is a no-go. Exactly what counts as a small horse was still left unspecified.)
That said, even outside of job training, you'd think basic common sense would be like 'whoa dude, read the room' on this one.
Cold XC
sometimes, service workers are assholes too
Cold XC
source: working in foodservice